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In anticipation of the upcoming cooler weather, I thought I'd shake the trees to see what might fall out ...

I recently rooted cuttings of the following:
- N. hamata - Wistuba clone Trade has been confirmed
- N. aristolochioides - proven female (BE clone) Trade has been confirmed
- N. jamban - BE clone

I am interested in trading for the following Neps:
- pure species
- HL or temperate
- prefer SG
- 1.5" diameter or larger
- or U. unifolia ... :-D

I am NOT interested in:
- any hybrid
- LL'ers or N. alata or ventricosa
- N. robcantleyi (have 2 already)
- N. aristolochioides (have a male coming soon)
- N. izumiae (have SG)
- N. glabrata (have SG & t/c)
- T/C clones of any of the following: N. hamata, inermis, lowii, fusca, burbidgeae, jamban, argentii, vogelii,
- any trades from outside USA

If necessary, I would consider adding Sarrs, Dews, Heli's or Utrics to complete a trade (see growlist for possibles)

Feel free to suggest any trades that fall within the above parameters. I prefer that you contact me via email with any questions/offers since PMs are a bit of a pain:


In addition:
- plants are not for sale (don't bother asking). If suitable trades don't materialize, I'll likely fleabay them for charity at some point in the future
- this is not on a 1st come basis - no need to rush
- while I will attempt to respond in a timely manner, I may not succeed ???
- Thanks for playing :bigthumpup:
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email sent.
Email sent as well
I think I've replied to all the messages I've received. I still need to send out a few pics to get trades confirmed. If you've sent me a message & have not heard from me - please post in the thread - thanks for all of the interest!