Enthusiastic Enthusiast
As the title says, I'm looking for D. linearis. Doesn't have to even be a mature plant. Seeds, seedlings, strikes, or even fresh cuttings are welcome; I can root them myself. Just looking to own a specimen or two of the species.
I have a few things to trade, but not much.
P. esseriana
D. sp. "Lantau Island"
D. capensis x spatulata
D. "Marston Dragon" (strikes from leaf cuttings, with leaves about 2-3" long)
D. spatulata
D. capensis "alba"
D. filiformis "Florida Red" seeds
U. calycifida 'Asenathe Waite'
U. sandersonii
U. gibba
N. ventricosa seedling (about 4-5" diameter)
N. maxima x fusca seedling (about 3-4" diameter)
S. leucophylla "Hurricane Creek" seedling (not producing adult pitchers yet)
S. leucophylla 'Tarnok' (immature rhizome)
Darlingtonia Californica seedling (not producing adult pitchers yet)
I also have an abundance of Sparkler Cleome seeds, a gorgeous annual flower.
I have a few things to trade, but not much.
P. esseriana
D. sp. "Lantau Island"
D. capensis x spatulata
D. "Marston Dragon" (strikes from leaf cuttings, with leaves about 2-3" long)
D. spatulata
D. capensis "alba"
D. filiformis "Florida Red" seeds
U. calycifida 'Asenathe Waite'
U. sandersonii
U. gibba
N. ventricosa seedling (about 4-5" diameter)
N. maxima x fusca seedling (about 3-4" diameter)
S. leucophylla "Hurricane Creek" seedling (not producing adult pitchers yet)
S. leucophylla 'Tarnok' (immature rhizome)
Darlingtonia Californica seedling (not producing adult pitchers yet)
I also have an abundance of Sparkler Cleome seeds, a gorgeous annual flower.
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