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I live in Southern California in a zone 8. Santa Clarita, CA to be exact. I was interested in a few ping species and hybrids to see if I would have any problem growing them outside alongside Sarrs, vfts, and hardy dews year round. I am typically looking for pings that are very hardy like the Moranensis species. Here is the list I made.

Pinguicula Titan
Pinguicula Gigantea
Pinguicula Pirouette
Pinguicula moctezumae
Pinguicula gypsicola
Pinguicula gypsicola x moctezumae
Pinguicula agnata x gypsicola

please let me know which ones are easy or difficult to grow outside year round in a zone 8. thank you for your time
First off: I've heard some Mexican Pinguicula will tolerate light, brief frosts. P. agnata and P. moranensis are supposed to be two that will.

Secondly, from experience I can say that P. gigantea is easy to grow. Water it like a regular houseplant and give it dilute fertilization weekly and it will grow well for you. I have found P. moctezumae to be a little fussy. This does not seem to be the common consensus. I do not grow P. gypsicola , but I have read that it needs a perfectly dry winter season so the area in which they were grown would need to be covered.

Thats what I got for ya. Hope it helps!