Hello TF members, it's my first time getting an H. minor and it is coming in probably a few days. Some members already gave me tips, but can you guys tell me if this is correct?
H. minor is somewhat a forgiving specie. It likes bright light with cool temps during the day(up to 70degrees Fahrenheit), with a reasonable temp drop at night(if the day has been warm). It likes to be potted in a well draining mix that can stay moist. If that's the case, would a 1:1:1 peat:gubbler mix(course fir bark and perlite)umice mix work? It loves humid conditions with 70% humidity being optimal, but can be acclimated to lower humidity. When arriving bare-root, it's best to let it soak in water for some minutes. Pitchers and roots are very brittle and is easy to break.
Thank you TF members
H. minor is somewhat a forgiving specie. It likes bright light with cool temps during the day(up to 70degrees Fahrenheit), with a reasonable temp drop at night(if the day has been warm). It likes to be potted in a well draining mix that can stay moist. If that's the case, would a 1:1:1 peat:gubbler mix(course fir bark and perlite)umice mix work? It loves humid conditions with 70% humidity being optimal, but can be acclimated to lower humidity. When arriving bare-root, it's best to let it soak in water for some minutes. Pitchers and roots are very brittle and is easy to break.
Thank you TF members