i live in southern california and mostly wherever i go most people are having a big fly problem , there getting very annoying and swatting them and believing that there dead already ain't gonna do much cause they keep coming . cp's are not very good pest contollers , as mentioned in a few books and articles . any bosy got any tips to this annopying problem , yesterday i had a sleepless night with a fly buzzing its wings all over the place and it took me about 30 minutes to find it and finally swat it , then it either came back to life or one of its friends came over and started annoying me again . at my house when i open the winodw , a big cloud of flies come outand start flying every where , at my grandpas , he keeps swatting them but they keep coming back , its very annyoing . anybody know a good efficient way to prevent them from coming , i've read post about how to attract them ( crap ) but i got one problem that won't go away , swatters are tirless , zappers are'nt working , sprays make people noxious , and ignoring them is hopless . i remeber there was a post here that showed a small toy type of flytrap , a fly would fly in this toy , machine shaped like a plastic venus flytrap , then the toy would close and start swatting the fly around , i'd like to get one of those for my grandparent , they can't take care of cps and cps won't do much but it'll help a bit .