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Drosera regia propagation process / Root Cuttings

Some times newer and better techniques come along. I will attempt to take root cuttings from my D. regia some day and was wondering what was the best way to do this. Media / Floatting / Light / Temps etc. Which is the best old new way to accomplish this. Step by step instructions are very helpful such as should the lid be affixed, should the roots be soaked in something, what materials to use. I know this is an old subject, but you never know when new process and techniques arise.

Regards :-D
Here is an extracted section from the ICPS CP Growing Guide.
The easiest and best way to propagate Drosera regia is via root cuttings. Any time I transplant a plant I take some of the older roots for cuttings. I put 2 cm long pieces of roots about 1 cm below the surface of a pot loosely filled with long fibered sphagnum. Some growers use covered clear plastic containers and essentially float the roots over some long fibered sphagnum in water like you would do for leaf cuttings. When the new plants have a few leaves about 2 to 3 cm long I transplant them to a peat/sand or peat/perlite mix with a few Osmocote™ pellets per pot to get them going. I do not know why this species is not more readily available as I find them very easy to propagate and grow from root cuttings. It has also been reported they can be reproduced from leaf cuttings floating in water. Leaf cuttings on soil tend to rot too quickly.