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d. tomentosa blooming, think?


The new tomentosa is liking its new house.

Will it self pollinate? Will I be able to collect seeds from this one ? Will they be true (just as the parent)?:blush:
. right after i got it.

about a week or so.
isnt that a bloom spike starting?:-O.
two days ago.
this morning.
Sweet pics, congrats on the flower stalk
Do some hand-pollinating!
That's a happy, healthy-looking plant. 'Seems pretty dialed-in. Should you manage to get some photos of the flowers it would be nice to see them here.
Will it self pollinate? Will I be able to collect seeds from this one ? Will they be true (just as the parent)?:blush:
Hey Jimmy,
Congrats on your impending flower(s). Mine just finished it's 7th (& final) bloom on it's stalk this morning. I hand pollinated 3 or 4 of the flowers so I should know soon if hand pollination helps or is a waste of time (although I suspect this is info that is available with some searching -- or by asking NaN). :-O Although looks can be deceiving, the pods sure look swollen & full of seeds.... (fyi - pics of plant & flower are over in "The Dew Line" thread).
still stretching toward the light.
it's so furrrrry
I agree, i love furrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry flower spikes! lol
  • #11
I love the super pubescent scape on these. Really amazing.
  • #13
keep the time lapse pics coming!
  • #14
Ah, the suspense!
  • #15
she is about to pop..:0o::0o:
  • #16
opened,hey when can i hand polinate is there a way to tell when pollen is ripe, will it just fall off i tried this morning but i appears the pollen is still firmly in place , any suggestions how to do this, i tries a toothpick frayed a bit on the end.
  • #17
The second the flower opens, the pollen should come off relatively easily. If not, wait a little bit, then try after it dries somewhat. It should come off easily and either fall into the center of the flower, or stick to whatever you're using. From there, just place the pollen onto the stamen. Great color flower, by the way.
  • #18
'Way to stick with it! I like the flower color, too. It's all pretty distinctive.
  • #19
still can't get over how hairy it is. Very nice Jimmy.
  • #20
:bigthumpup:very nice indeedy,hope you get seeds jimmy