From a batch of seeds on peat/sand mix, two germinated. I removed them and placed them on live sphagnum but lost them to fungus and the humidity being too high. That's was about 2 weeks ago.
Since d.regia has a reputation of dying off as a seedling, I left another 2 seeds (not germinated yet) on the live sphagnum. I didn't bother to look at them and went on to fuss over my spatulata and intermedia seeds/seedlings...
Surprise, surprise! I found out yesterday that the two actually germinated and they've grown quite a bit! They were overshadowed by the sphagnum which I had to cut away.
Thanks to digi-photography...this is about 3mm tall...
And this is about 4mm tall...this pix is clearer...for once I see the root hairs which I thought was the rotting brown end of the seedling with the naked eye!!!
Since d.regia has a reputation of dying off as a seedling, I left another 2 seeds (not germinated yet) on the live sphagnum. I didn't bother to look at them and went on to fuss over my spatulata and intermedia seeds/seedlings...
Thanks to digi-photography...this is about 3mm tall...
And this is about 4mm tall...this pix is clearer...for once I see the root hairs which I thought was the rotting brown end of the seedling with the naked eye!!!