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Current tepui weather conditions

Might be of interest to our tepui flora growers....

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<a href="http://www.viewweather.com/">ViewWeather.com - World weather forecast</a> | <a href="http://www.viewweather.com/w7381263-weather-forecast-for-acopan_tepuy-estado_bolivar.html">Acopan Tepuy</a>
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Additional locations:
Amuri Tepui
Angasima Tepui
Chimata Tepui

<iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="border:0px" src="http://books.google.com/books?id=7YfRYHfMrFwC&lpg=PA53&ots=iZCMyMokmg&dq=annual%20rainfall%20tepui&pg=PA52&output=embed" width=500 height=500></iframe>

<div align="center"><img src="http://www.climatemps.com/graph/caracas_files/image002.gif" width="659" height="557"><br><a href="http://www.venezuela.climatemps.com/">Venezuela Climate</a> graph contributed by climatemps.com</div>
(While not tepui specific, a lot can be inferred from the chart. Especially when combined with Huber and Garcia's observations)

Interesting that while the humidity and temps remain rather constant seasonally, a dry season does occur early in the year.

Very informative! :) Thank you for posting. :D
Cold and rainy? I want to move there! Sounds just perfect!
That's why my heli's don't do so well, I don't have enough instability! :jester: (I'm kidding of course, I know what it means).
Damn, still not a good time to be washing my car on the massif . . .
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The weather conditions are shockingly stable, but I see a key missing ingredient most heli growers lack.

Butch, do you have controlled electrical storms in your terrarium? Like a tesla coil or something?
I like how they describe it "slightly unstable" yet in all the field reports, trip descriptions, and people's stories they describe the top of the Tepuis as pretty much the most temperamental, inhospitable environment they could ever imagine :lol:

Thx for posting :)
The weather conditions are shockingly stable, but I see a key missing ingredient most heli growers lack.

Butch, do you have controlled electrical storms in your terrarium? Like a tesla coil or something?

could put a lava lamp or one of those electrical orbs in there.