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Hi Folks:

Join us for a symposium on the ecology and cultivation of the waterwheel plant, Aldrovanda vesiculosa, at Bowling Green Town Hall in Caroline County, Virginia on Saturday June 29, 2013. The waterwheel plant is a globally rare carnivorous plant and our keynote speaker, Adam Cross, will talk about his research with this species. Adam has published a new book on Aldrovanda which will be available for sale at the event. Additional speakers are invited to present at the symposium. The event will also focus on the efforts of Meadowview Biological Research Station to preserve the northern most pitcher plant bog in Virginia at the Central Virginia Preserve. Tours of the preserve will be available.

Vendor booths are available for a fee of either $100/booth or 20% of sales. Proceeds from the conference will be applied to land acquisition at the Central Virginia Preserve. There is no charge to attend the conference. Additional details will be forthcoming as conference planning proceeds on our website at www.pitcherplant.org, on the ICPS Events link, and on TerraForums.

Adam Cross biography:
Adam Cross is a Ph.D. student from Perth, Western Australia, with a research interest in wetland ecology and the seasonal biology of vernal aquatic plants. Intrigued by carnivorous plats from an early age, Adam began studying Aldrovanda as part of a university Honours degree in 2008. The research rapidly bloomed into a passion, and had led to more than four years of research into the species' ecology, dispersal, reproduction and conservation in collaboration with numerous international colleagues. This has resulted most recently in the listing of Aldrovanda as globally endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Adam now spends his summer months in the remote Kimberley region of Northern Australia, wading from swamp to swamp in search of Aldrovanda and other elusive wetland species.
Is this date set in stone, Phil ? I just may be able to get a day or 2 off for the trip if I put in for it now.
I'll definitely be going.
If anyone else from the New England area would like to carpool down and split a hotel room, let me know. This sounds like a great time and I'll finally get to check out Meadowview.
Hi Cthulhu138:

Yes, set it stone. We've already paid for the Town Hall rental. Finally get to meet you. Glad you can attend.


I will also be going and if anyone from anywhere south of Raleigh, NC or in NC wants to carpool with me I'd gladly have some company