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CCPS & CFCC 2014 Conference! (Ongoing Thread)

The Carolina Carnivorous Plant Society and Cape Fear Community College (CFCC) in Wilmington, NC are pleased to announce that we will be hosting a conference next year! The majority of the proceeds will go toward funding the care and maintenance of the Stanley Rehder Carnivorous Plant Garden and funding the conference of course. The theme of the conference will be Cultivating Carnivores: A Creative Obsession. If you would like to be considered for a lecture please contact the CCPS (carolinacpsociety@gmail.com). We are hoping to have numerous vendors selling all sorts of plants as well as a plant show, multiple silent auctions, and cultivation workshops. Announcements will be posted on the CCPS website on the homepage (www.carolinacpsociety.org).

The original idea behind this conference was to provide an alternative conference for those that cannot afford to travel all the way to Australia (such as myself). However, we chose the date we did so that those that can and want to attend both the ICPS Conference and the CCPS/CFCC Conference will be able to.

Currently the venue we have reserved is quite large, by working with the CFCC, we got a great deal on the venue, seeing as they are providing it. There will be space for at least a dozen vendors not to mention the additional space for lectures and there are multiple dining options nearby.

A signup website has not been established yet, but as soon as it is you will be able to find the link in this thread or on the CCPS website.

Thanks and we hope to see you all next August!