Hi all! I am looking into trying to breed Sarracenia a la Mike Wang/Rob Co/Brooks Garcia/Jerry Addington and wanted to take a survey of the ways you all label your collections. I'm still in the early stages of building a Sarr collection, but I imagine sooner or later I could get in over my head trying to keep track of all the crosses I've made or even be able to write complex labels very easily and quickly.
Does anybody use computers to keep up with their collections? I am considering having an Excel document with various categories of info about each plant. That's in addition to individually labeling the plants.
Also, for those out there with crazy multi-generational crosses, how do you label your stuff? Furthermore, how do you prevent the potential for labels to be broken, stolen by animals, or lost? Any kinds of labels work better than others? I already know pencil's the best for making your writing last.
Does anybody use computers to keep up with their collections? I am considering having an Excel document with various categories of info about each plant. That's in addition to individually labeling the plants.
Also, for those out there with crazy multi-generational crosses, how do you label your stuff? Furthermore, how do you prevent the potential for labels to be broken, stolen by animals, or lost? Any kinds of labels work better than others? I already know pencil's the best for making your writing last.