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Are your Pings asleep yet?

Its November and only my Laueana is asleep! Pirouette is still growing carnivorous leaves. I've watered less and reduced its photoperiod too...

Could it be that it's dividing that it hasn't gone dormant?

Then again my pings act weird here...for instance, Laueana didn't grow carnivorous leaves until June or July because it's cold where I live....

What should I do?
They all do different things. P. laueana is one that goes to sleep earlier than others. Some Mexican pings, like P. agnata, doesn't have winter leaves.
In my conditions Mexican pings sometimes don't produce winter-type leaves, and sometimes they do. It is helpful to know that what you see isn't a true dormancy as the plants continue to grow, though sometimes slowly. What works best for me is to let the plants do what they want in my given conditions and not to try to induce seasonal changes. They don't seem to need them in the way many temperate carnivores do so if they continue to produce carnivorous leaves all year around that is fine.

@ jimscott - I didn't realize that P. agnata don't produce winter leaves I just know that mine never do, ha!
My moranensis are still blooming their little heads off and Aphrodite appears to still be in carn mode.

Aphrodite never enter succulent mode in my setting. In the same water tray, immaculata, moranensis 'alba' and lauenan have been in and out of succulent form twice ... but all the plants seem healthy so I don't bother.
Check out savage Garden for the list of what has winter leaves and what doesn't. Most do.