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A grand feast!

Noticed one of my N. ventricosa x (thorelii x aristolochioides) looked funny, so I took a closer look...



Its interesting to note the amount of "drool" these pitchers have been producing, note the ants are congregating midway and further down on the pitcher body, thats because the entire front half of the thing is soaked in nectar!
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Cool. I've always wondered how much of a dent a few pitchers would put in an ant colony's foragers. Would it be a significantly larger number than what they would lose to other causes in an average day?

Doesn't look exactly like a primary N. aristolochioides cross to me. Sure it's not ventricosa x (thorelii x aristolochioides)?
There is only one way to respond to that photo.

Doesn't look exactly like a primary N. aristolochioides cross to me. Sure it's not ventricosa x (thorelii x aristolochioides)?

Sorry, that is the correct cross, mistyped.