The 2014 NASC Benefit Auction
The NASC is pleased to announce that the 2014 benefit auction will be held this year from Saturday, March 29 to Saturday, April 12 on We have selected earlier auction dates again this year to make it easier to ship your winnings – dormant Sarracenia or sensitive highland species.
The official auction rules will be posted at TerraForums and anyone can participate by donating or bidding on an item. But principally we want everyone to have fun! For those that have not participated in this event before, it is often one of the best places to find great plants grown by experienced and knowledgeable horticulturalists, many of whom are expert in their particular genus of interest. Generous donors create new threads on the forum for each item they donate – seed, plants, art, supplies, etc. – and then other users bid on that item. Occasionally bidding wars occur on the more desirable plants. The final total paid by the bidder goes directly to the NASC, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, and the bidder receives the item, usually reimbursing the donor for shipping costs unless noted otherwise.
Every year we thank the generosity of our donors for supporting this event as our main source of fundraising to keep our organization running. Half of the funds collected go directly to the identified beneficiary. Past recipients have included Boiling Spring Lakes, North Carolina for land acquisition; Myrtle Head Savanna, North Carolina for a controlled burn; and Splinter Hill bog in Alabama for land acquisition. Last year we were happy to support a controlled burn in Old Dock Savanna in North Carolina and replacement equipment at Tarkiln Bayou Preserve State Park in Florida.