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  1. S

    Some shots from the greenhouse

    My wife is a botany professor and runs the greenhouse on campus, so I get to "hijack" space in there for myself! Here's some shots i took earlier today. I apologize now for any lighting issues or photo quality. My camera sucks and it's hard to tell how a photo turns out until after I look at...
  2. back2eight

    Got Neps. Looking for Sars

    I have the following Nepenthes that I can trade. All are about 3-4 inches in diameter. Distillatoria Spectabilis x talangensis Bicalcarata orange Smilesii Reibwardtiana Hirsuta ventricosa x mira albomarginata green sibuyanensis diatas sibuyanensis x ventricosa Densiflora Ampullaria x...
  3. back2eight

    My Sar Grow List and Question

    S. Luecophylla "Tarnok" S. Purpurea S. "Judith Hindle" S. Scarlette Belle S. Rubra S. x "Dana's Delight" S. 'Doodle Bug' S. 'Lady Bug' S. 'Love Bug' S. 'Red Bug' S. x catesbaei S. WRIGLEYANA S. DIXIE LACE S. MARDI GRAS S. Flava (yellow trumpet) S. Minor S. "Starry Night" S. Alata red throat x...
  4. labine

    labine's grow list

    Hi , My grow list is : D. Binata D. Binata Dichotoma Giant D. Binata Multifida Extrema D. filiformis D. capensis green, red form, Wide leaves,Alba D. paradoxa D. Adelae D. Intermedia D. Aliciae D. Rotundifolia D. Nidiformis D. Anglica D. Closterostigma(gemmae) D. Scorpioides Large form D...
  5. SDCPs

    SDCPs's grow list

    ~SDCPs's Growlist~ As of 2019 live in Texas panhandle zone 7a, growing outdoors only (except for p. gigantea) UPDATED April 2021 Growlist: Drosera D. filiformis - Ocean NJ D. filansofolia original D. capensis Montagu Pass, SA Dionaea -group 3x ebay -group Slovakia ebay -group Dean Cook...
  6. Alexis

    (Mostly) sarracenia photos

    Some photos from yesterday: L S. leucophylla (L34) S. leucophylla Apalachicola, Florida S. leucophylla purple and white giant, Route 71, Nr Altha, N. Florida (L19) S. flava var. ornata Blackwater, Florida. Colour has developed into a soft scarlet around the throat. S. flava var...
  7. S

    a few pics

    an unknown hybrid, probably flava x catesbaei, and 'Red Blush' in the background My oldest mini-bog, in its fourth year. It has all the little bug series in it, but hard to pick some of them out. 'lady bug' is middle-right, 'doodle-bug' is lower-left, 'june bug' is lower middle, 'red bug' is...
  8. mcantrell

    What's the most complex cross you've seen so far?

    I think this one takes the cake so far: S. x 'Abnorma' (S. [ (flava v. rugelli x leuc) x (x Royal Ruby)] x [(x wilissi) x flava v. cuprea]) That comes out to, if you do the math -- [ (flava v. rugelli x leuc) x (flava x leuc)] x [(x (psittacina x purpurea) x (purpurea x (flava x purpurea))) x...
  9. Napp

    Growlist Napp

    Sarracenia alata SA01 S. alata -- green light veins, (JJ labat) SA02 S. alata -- double flower (dennisB) SA03a S. alata -- double flower (davy) SA03b S. alata -- double white flowered form (UK. Andy Collins A09) SA04 S. alata -- frayed flower (Gerd germany) SA05 S. alata -- nigropurpurea,very...
  10. S

    1-year-old seedling pics

    here a bunch of pics of 1-year-old (exactly) seedlings I took today. some are amazingly large already. OP means open-pollinated, which almost all of them are, many are also siblings - so any with the same name are from the same seed pod. alabamenis x oreophila OP alata x flava OP alata x...
  11. SashaM24

    Sasha's Grow List

    Cephalotus C. follicularis x2 C. follicularis "Hummer's Giant" Dionea D. "Akai Ryu" D. "Dentate Trap" x2 D. "typical" Drosera D. capensis "all red" D. capensis "typical" D. x "Marston Dragon" D. venusta "coccicaulis" Heliamphora H. chimantensis H. minor Nepenthes N. ampullaria "Brunei Red"...
  12. Frilleon

    Grow list

    Nepenthes: N. alata "red" N. ventricosa leilani LHNN male N. thorelii x wittei N. boschiana x ?? N. truncata 'pasian' Cal Carn N. Peter D'amato x maxima (seedling) N. clipeata x eymae munich cross N. deroose alata N. inermis x bongso N. ramispina N. splendiana x truncata Seed Grown N. singalana...
  13. Goofzilla

    Goofzilla's Humble Grow List

    Dionaea muscipula: -dentate Drosera: -capensis 'All Red' -capensis 'All Green' -spatulata -binata Pinguicula *Under Construction* Nepenthes: - N. "Red Leopard" (+ basal) - N. Judith Finn - N. ventricosa (x2 - one's female) - N. sanguinea - N. madagascariensis - N. jacquelineae - N. diatas...
  14. trek623

    Recently planted bog garden

    Spring has finally come and I am finally able to plant my bog garden that has been sitting empty since last October! Unforunately, there isn't much to show yet, as I just got these plants today. Here are the pictures: http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/3789/img0572ds2.jpg...
  15. F

    frogsintn2 growlist as of 11/07 Tenn - USA

    frogsintn2 growlist as of 9-5-08 Pinguicula P. 'Aphrodite' P. 'Apasionada' P. jaumavensis P. emarginata x cyclosecta P. gypsicola x moctezumae P. 'Weser' P. gigantea x moctezumae P. moranensis P. gigantea P. ehlersiae P gracilis x moctezumae Sarracenia S. alata "Pinstripe" "typical" Texas...
  16. -=Joel=-

    Joels Growlist

    Drosophyllum Drosophyllum Lusitanicum - Ubrique, Spain Nepenthes (Rokko x Veitchii) x Veitchii Alata Marston Exotics Argentii Aristolochioides G.Kerinci Area Aristolochioides Bical Boschiana Gunung Sakumbang, Kalimantan, Indonesia Burbidgeae Burkei Chaniana x Vietchii Clipeata x Eymae...
  17. boglodyte

    Here's my growlist

    Sarracenia alata "Mobile Bay" Sarracenia alata "pubesence" Sarracenia alata "nigrapurpurea" Sarracenia alata x minor Sarracenia purpurea venosa Sarracenia rubra ssp. rubra Sarracenia rubra ssp. jonesii Sarracenia rubra ssp. gulfensis Sarracenia rubra ssp. wherryi Sarracenia leucophylla...
  18. bucky78

    Bucky78s Growlist

    Here's my growlist. Where the plants are in red indicates that I have extras that are available. PM me if interested in trades etc. Drosera D. Filliformis ssp. Filliformis D. Filliformis ssp. Tracyi D. Filliformis Florida Red D. Intermedia D. Rotundifolia VFTs 1955 Typical 1979 A2 Akai Ryu...
  19. F

    flytraps2000's growlist

    Hello everyone, here is my grow list.  Little old with some additions missing but pretty accurate. Current 2/05 additions coming soon, couple losses to. Aldrovanda ald1 Japanese form ald2 Australian red form NSW near Mertens Creek above Big Mertens Falls near Mitchel Falls, Kimberley...
  20. Jeremiah Harris

    Jeremiah's growlist

    GrowList 2020 Jeremiah Harris Carnivorous Plant Growlist Colorado Springs CO Jeremiahsplants@comcast.net Aldrovanda A. vesiculosa Brocchinia B. reducta Bybilis B. filifolia “Flowers mauve with pale lemon back”-Boulk area South Peninsular Kimberley W.A. B. liniflora Jeremiah's Cephalotus...