TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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Hi everyone,
I'm Howard. I've been getting back into carnivorous plants after a 3 year gap. I have a Nepenthes (not sure about the species) that I've had for almost 10 years.
Here's a list of plants I have acquired in the last few months:
Aldrovanda vesiculosa
Utricularia gibba
I'm looking for a few plants that I lost awhile back. Take a look at my growlist. It's fairly up to date. It's missing the Neps and a few items I just received.
Looking for:
D. graminifolia
D. glabripes
P. agnata 'El Lobo'
P. filifolia
P. "Guatemala"
P. medusina
U. uliginosa
I'm also...
N. gracilis
N. ampullaria
N. rafflesiana
N. rafflesiana var. alata
N. mirabilis
N. albomarginata
N. benstonei
N. northiana
N. ventricosa
N. sanguinea
N. bicalcarata
N. truncata
N. reinwardtiana
N. stenophylla
N. macfarlanei
N. veitchii
N. maxima
N. sibuyanensis
N. beccariana
Utricularia IDed (U. fulva)
i obtained 3 utrics recently, but somehow i managed to mix up their tags. :headwall:
i've got U. bifida, U. chrysantha and U. uliginosa and i think i've got U. uliginosa IDed because the leaf shape is different, but i can't tell the other 2 apart.
IDnow, either...
In my several field trips in Peninsular Malaysia, I have found U. aurea, U. gibba, U. caerulea, U. bifida, U. minutissima, U. involvens and U. uliginosa. Anyone know still got what species in Peninsular Malaysia besides the species I have listed?
Hey everybody I'm one of those guys into planted aquaria.
Anyway a guy on our forums collected this the other day and had no idea what it was.
I said it was a utric but wasn't sure what type. My guess is U. uliginosa. It was reportedly collected in less than 5 cm of water. Collection was...
Pygmy Sundews
D. citrina
D. closterostigma
D. dichrosepala
D. echinoblasta
D. enneaba {white flower}
D. enodes
D. ericksonae {pink flower}
D. helodes
D. lasiantha
D. leucoblasta
D. mannii
D. nitidula ssp. allantostigma
D. nitidula ssp. leucostigma
D. nitidula ssp. omissa
D. oreopodion
GrowList 2020
Jeremiah Harris Carnivorous Plant Growlist
Colorado Springs CO
A. vesiculosa
B. reducta
B. filifolia “Flowers mauve with pale lemon back”-Boulk area South Peninsular Kimberley W.A.
B. liniflora
Jeremiah's Cephalotus...
Byblis liniflora
Darlingtonia californica
D. adelae
D. aliciae
D. binata var. Multifida
D. burmanni beerwah, QLD
D. capensis
D. capensis 'albino'
D. dielsiana
D. indica
D. intermedia
D. madagascariensis "Botswana"
D. nidiformis
D. roraimae Araca
Trades will come first in importance and will be sent out ASAP.
After trades I will take SASE ($2 for bubblelope or $3 small box and shipping). If SASE -
first - PM me,
second - send the money, making sure to have a return addresss and a note stating which plants and what your forum name...
Im running short of spare plants to trade, but Utrics do grow fast. Plants with a * next to them are currently available for trade. I also have 2 1/2" pots, I can sent them out of to 90 in a box. Also looking for pings
Utricularia Grow list-
U. alpina
U. amythstina
I have tons of 2 1/2" pots to trade for any plants i dont have! Im primarily looking for Utrics I dont have, also mexican pings and drosera. I know everyone can use these!
My grow list (pm me for updates):
Cephalotus follicularis
1. D. aliciae {seed}
2. D. anglica {seed}
3. D...
Here is a list of plants I have for trade. just to let you know some of the Nepenthes I may want to hold on to for month or so just to make sure that are doing well. I'm looking for any CPs not I my grow list (I will add in a new post).
D. californica
D. muscipula
D. admirabilis
I have a plug each of tricolor and livida for trade. Plugs are approx. 2" in diameter.
I'm looking for any utric not on my list. USA only please.
Here's what I am currently growing:
calycifida 'Yog-sothoth'
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