TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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S rubra ssp alabamensis
S. Danas delight
S. Hummers hammerhead
S. Psittacina Walton Co. FL wilkersons bog
S alata red lid
S oreophylla sand MT al.
S alata "maroon throat"
S flava var cupurea
S leuco x flava var ornata
S flava var ornata
S minor
S minor "Okie giant"
S catesbaei x...
Hi. I'm looking to trade some nepenthes plants for some lowland or intermediate/lowland nepenthes plants.
What I have to offer:
N. Ampullaria x Ventricosa "Lady Luck" 17 inch leaf span
N. Spathulata x Campanulata 7 inch leaf span with 2 pitchers
N. Spathulata x Diatas 8 inch leaf span with...
Got this NOID nepenthes a while back, seller has lost the ID (the one next to the sumatrana) was hoping if anyone can recognize this specific cross
Last update: 3/7/18
If you have any suggestions for ways to improve the organization of my growlist, please let me know!
Byblis gigantea
Byblis guehoi, West Kimberley
Byblis lamellata, Eneabba, WA, BCP S064
Cephalotus follicularis
Darlingtonia californica...
It's a neat little plant but I do not have the space for it.
It should be a nice addition to someone's collection
Far as trades go I do not very have much I am looking for but here goes:
n. sumatrana
n. campanulata
n. kamptonia
n. bical orange
n. bical red x orange
N. Viking #19 x (maxima x...
The reason I am parting with this is I am expected a new bical very soon....a marudi so they are practically the same and I will need the space.
This is one of my first nepenthes which fit and grew inside a small *** fish tank at one time. lol.
Far as trades go I do not very have much I am...
Since BE and EP recently done gorgeous hybrid of one of my favorite species, burbidgeae, I figure it be a good thread to start and see these Bad boys!
Here are mine;
burbidgeae x aristolochioides
sumatrana x burbidgeae
EDIT 4/25/14: I have arranged a tradeand the offer is now closed. Thanks forall the great trade offers everyone! Hopefully will have more cuttings to trade in the future :)
I have a small rooted cutting of veitchii K that I am potentially looking to trade away to add something new to the...
I recently organized a Hawaii group order from EP. Here are a few pictures. Please forgive the quality.
(lowii x veitchii)-red x boschiana
(ventricosa x sibuyanensis) x (truncata x (spectabilis x northiana))
(ventricosa x sibuyanensis) x (ventricosa x (lowii x ventricosa))
lowii x...
Natural light levels
March 2014
Bright light all day without direct sunlight on plants.
All of my Neps are in natural light so I took readings using a light meter. The first reading was taken at 10am and by 4pm, the light level has gone up by at least 2000 lux at the shadiest spot and at the...
Notice: Growlist now available on my blog - http://ngcarnivorousplants.blogspot.com/p/grow-list.html. The blog list will be updated. This one will not.
Growlist: (* = Extras for sale/trade) (Updated 2/4/2014)
vesiculosa – 1
liniflora – 1
Typical – 1...
I was just given some bench space in the horticulture club greenhouse at my university. I live in a tiny apartment, so I'm excited to finally have room to grow Nepenthes. Light and humidity seem perfect, but according to the greenhouse complex manager, the hort club greenhouse is heated to a...
Alata (unknown variety)
Bicalcarata sri aman
Mirabilis Thai
Mirabilis Au Cape York
Mirabilis Viking
Gracilis red
Gracilis nigropurpurea (male)
Albomarginata green
Sanguinea red
Veitchii pink
Veitchii Bau
Veitchii Mt Murudu sarawak
Ampullaria Green...
I have a few lowland neps that have basals and vines to cut and was hoping to expand my collection. I am looking for lowland and lowland hybrids the ones I am seeking most are: N. Sumatrana, N. Ampullaria harlequin, N. belli, and N. hookeriana var harlequin
First I have a beautiful hybrid. It...
I have a few lowland neps that have basals and vines to cut and was hoping to expand my collection. I am looking for lowland and lowland hybrids the ones I am seeking most are: N. Sumatrana, N. Ampullaria harlequin, N. belli, and N. hookeriana var harlequin
First I have a beautiful hybrid. It...
S rubra ssp alabamensis
S. Danas delight
S. Hummers hammerhead
S. Psittacina Walton Co. FL wilkersons bog
S alata red lid
S oreophylla sand MT al.
S alata "maroon throat"
S flava var cupurea
S leuco x flava var ornata
S flava var ornata
S minor
S minor "Okie giant"
S catesbaei x...
Grow List (Plants With T Available For Trade)
Czech Giant - T
Emu Point Giant
German Giant
Hummers Giant - T
Phill Mann Clone
Robust - T
Typical - T
Coastal Variety
Mountain Variety - T
Othello (All Green)
B-52 - T
Big Mouth
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