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  1. Cactusdan

    Cactusdan's Growlist

    -- Carnivores -- -Cephalotus (Australian Pitcher)- Cephalotus follicularis var. Typical -Dionaea (Venus Fly Trap)- Dionaea muscipula 'Akai Ryu' Dionaea muscipula 'Red Sawtooth' -Drosera (Sundew)- Drosera anglica x tracyi 'Southern Cross' Drosera binata var. dichotoma 'T-form' Drosera bindoon...
  2. R

    Mona's Grow List

    Mona's Grow List Cephalotus: Clone #1 Common Typical Ron Gagliardo Clone Coal Mine Beach Hummer’s Giant Czech Giant ‘Vigorus’ ‘Black Eden’ Hasting’s Clone #2 Dionea: Typical x2 Cup Trap Red Pirahna Red Dragon Akai Ryu Drosera: Delisiana Hamiltonii Intermedia Burmanii Brevifolia Spatulata...
  3. Tacks

    Gemmae 3-pack: D. sargentii, D. paleacea, D. leucoblasta

    D. sargentii D. paleacea giant D. leucoblasta Brookton I've been fortunate to receive a couple giveaways recently, so I'm doing one of my own. You'll receive a pack (10-12 gemmae) each of D. sargentii, D. paleacea giant form, and D. leucoblasta Brookton. Shipping will be $2 for a padded...
  4. S

    Squidfengshui's Growlist

    Drosera: Aliciae Binata Burmanii Capensis Narrow Leaf Capensis Alba Falconeri Filiformis seedlings Petiolaris Spatulata Venusta Assorted rosetted mystery seedlings and plants Pygmies Barbigera Dichrosepala ssp. dichrosepala "Dork’s Pink" Helodes Leucoblasta “brookton” Mannii Nitidula x...
  5. T

    Trout's Growlist

    My grow list is very short :(. Terrarium: 7 D. Muscipula 'Red Dragon' 2. D. Capensis typical (one of these, I'm not actually sure of, because under its current lighting, the leaves are turning pink, which I didn't think was normal for D. Capensis) 2 D. 'Floating' Some strange spiky grass...
  6. jonnyq

    Pygmy sundews, scrambled, pls. (trans: need help) :)

    Hi, all! So... talk about a lesson learned the hard way. My two-year-old daughter thought it would be oh so hilarious if she yanked out the ID tags on 8 of the 13 species of pygmy sundew whose gemmae I acquired for the first time this past fall. In short, I have no idea which sundews are which...
  7. jonnyq

    Pygmy sundews, scrambled, pls. (trans: need help) :)

    Hi, all! So... talk about a lesson learned the hard way. My two-year-old daughter thought it would be oh so hilarious if she yanked out the ID tags on 8 of the 13 species of pygmy sundew whose gemmae I acquired for the first time this past fall. In short, I have no idea which sundews and which...
  8. jimscott

    Pygmy Sundew Gemmae Production Times

    What is your experience with the gemmae production times? D. allantostigma D. androsacea D. barbigera D. callistos D. citrina var. citrina D. citrina var. nivea D. closterostigma D. dichrosepala subsp. dichrosepala D. dichrosepala subsp. enodes D. x Dork's Pink D. echinoblastus D. eneabba D...
  9. jimscott

    Pygmy Sundew Flowering Times

    What is your experience with the flowering times? D. allantostigma (April & May) D. androsacea D. barbigera D. callistos D. citrina var. citrina D. citrina var. nivea D. closterostigma D. dichrosepala subsp. dichrosepala D. dichrosepala subsp. enodes D. x Dork's Pink D. echinoblastus D. eneabba...
  10. L

    Growlist of Lutz

    Once I was in a store and there was a corner in which some really strange plants were standing. They shall eat meat or something like that and they are probably dangerous. No risc no fun. I took one of the glistening with the sticky leaves. About 10 years later ...... Cephalotus Cephalotus...
  11. Jeremiah Harris

    Looking to trade Gemmae

    It's that time of year again. I'm looking for any Pygmy Drosera I don't grow. I lost my Drosera gibsonii colony this year and would love to get a replacement. My current grow list. Drosera allantostigma Drosera callistos Drosera callistos -Brookton form Drosera citrina Drosera closterostigma...
  12. Jeremiah Harris

    Pygmy Drosera 2013

    Drosera allantostigma Drosera callistos Drosera callistos -Brookton form Drosera citrina Drosera closterostigma Drosera closterostigma (Mogumber form) Drosera dichrosepala Drosera dichrosepala (Fish Road Track form) Drosera echinoblastus Drosera eneabba A (red) Drosera...
  13. Jeremiah Harris

    Looking for Gemmae

    Hello, I'm looking for any gemmae not on this list. Please email me at jeremiah@leilaninepenthes.com My Grow List... Drosera allantostigma Drosera androsacea Drosera callistos Drosera citrina Drosera closterostigma Drosera closterostigma (Mogumber form) Drosera dichrosepala Drosera...
  14. Brie

    Gemmae for trade/looking for gemmae/gemmae for sase

    EDIT: Alright so I think im gunna have to shut down the gemmae for SASE due to the amount of people now sending them.. But I'll keep some gemmae back just in case anyone DOES have any gemmae to trade. :) Just wondering if anyone else has any gemmae being produced still.. Right now I have a ton...
  15. mluk27

    Mluk27 grow/want list

    My grow list: Nepenthes: N. robcantleyi N. hamata clone 1 N. truncata 'Pasian' N. albomarginata Penang Red N. veitchii x eymae N. (fusca x veitchii) x Copelandii 'Mt Apo' N. aristolochioides N. ampullaria N. tobaico x talangensis N. villosa N. 'Whisper' (striped) N. veitchii HL N. ephippiata...
  16. Cichvette

    LF: Drosera

    I am looking to trade for the following Drosera: Drosera paradoxa Drosera petiolaris Drosera filiformis "Florida Red" Drosera anglica “CA x HI” Pygmy Drosera- Gemmae preferably, pretty much open to any type, with the exception of Drosera scorpioides. I especially like D. leucoblasta (orange...
  17. Z

    Byblisera's Growlist

    Grow List November 2011 Trades always welcome! Tuberous Drosera andersoniana auriculata bulbosa ‘Walker, WA’ cistiflora erythrorhiza ssp erythrorhiza erythrorhiza ssp squamosa ‘laterite growing form’ erythrorhiza ssp squamosa ‘sand growing form’ gigantea lowriei ‘Ravensthorpe, WA’ macrantha ssp...
  18. erick

    erick gronwlist nov 2011

    - Aldrovanda vesiculosa - Dionaea muscipula (Venus Atrapamoscas) - Droseras: * Aliciae * Anglica * Binata * Capensis (red) * Capensis alba * Rotundifolia * Scorpioides * Filiformis * Neo-caledonica * Adelae * Prolifera * Dielsiana * Burmanni(red) * Burmanni(alba) * intermedia * Pygmea *...
  19. GemStateC

    GemStateCarnivore's GrowList

    My Plant List: Nepenthes: ampularia "melvino" sanguinea sanguina Ulu Kali x gentle x ventrata ventricosa maxima x trusmadiensis ventricosa x ephipiata Lovelock NN5201181 merrilliana hybrid Caesar NN1250251 Aeonium truncata Lorraine NN4881048 singalana x boschiana Predator HCEP112 robcantleyi...
  20. Wire Man

    Wire Man's grow list

    Cephalotus -follicularis -'Brewer's Red' Dionaea -typical -Onslow County, NC rescues -'Big Mouth' x ? -'Bristle Tooth' -'Czech Giant' -'Dentate' -'FTS Crimson Sawtooth' -'FTS Maroon Monster' -'Jaws' x '1955' -'Royal Red' Drosera -capillaris Onslow County, NC -capillaris Escambia County, FL...