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  1. NewspaperFort

    For Trade Looking for your easy growers

    Hello! My primary limiting factor is windowsill property, I just dont get a ton of light here. Looking for some plants that have done well in my 'sills before, like utrics (sandersonii to longifolia), sundews (mostly rosetted), stylidium, and outdoor bog plant types. I have SO MANY Sarracenia...
  2. sflynn

    sflynn's Growlist

    Dionea muscipula- typical, several Drosera: adelea, many binata, 2 binata SG, 3 binata var. multifida 'extrema', several brevifolia, several capensis typical, 2 capensis typical seedlings, many capensis "broad leaf", 1 capensis "baines cloof", 1 capensis alba seedlings, 3 capensis giant...
  3. kulamauiman

    starter of Utriculara juncea Florida - Rhizomatous $16

    You are bidding on a starter of Utriculara juncea Florida. This is a terrestrial species that can be grown as a semi aquatic. I keep it with my outside and it seems to thrive in my normal HL conditions. Can be grown indoors however it needs seasonal changes to induce flowering. A chunk...
  4. T

    How Ironic

    I find it so ironic that many species of Utricularia native to North America are not commercially available in the United States, yet are available from European sources. For example, who has seen Utricularia resupinata, juncea, cornuta, or floridana for sale in the states? It doesn't seem...
  5. Bonnie

    Bonnie's Grow List

    Carnivorous Heliamphora chimantensis (Chimanta) Heliamphora ciliata Heliamphora elongata (Ilu Tepui) Heliamphora ionasii Heliamphora minor "Burgundy Black" Heliamphora minor x heterodoxa Heliamphora nutans (Yuruani Tepui) Heliamphora pulchella (Chimanta Tepui, Venezuela) Heliamphora tatei var...
  6. NewspaperFort

    lf utricularia uniflora

    Hey all. i would love to get my grow on with utricularia uniflora. Have a few other utrics I can trade, listed in order of preference (of taking plugs from) U. sandersonii U. welswitchii U. longifolia U. bisquamati U. juncea U. livida Also I have some drosera, stylidium debile, and some 2yr...
  7. FloridaCP

    FloridaCP's growlist

    Hey everyone. I finally got around to typing up a list for you all. I'm pretty sure I got everything but not 100% sure. Also keep in mind I work in a greenhouse where we've got over 300 species of plants ranging from orchids, ferns, tropical fruits, cactus, ethnobotanicals and more. So if you're...
  8. J

    How to make Utricularia bloom?

    Hi, I just wanted to know how to make utricularia flower? This year with all the long strands of U. Inflata i have, none flower, in fact they didn't made those floating whorls that allows the, to float and release the flowestalk. Is the same thing with terrestrial utrics such as U. Longifolia...
  9. kulamauiman

    Utricularia juncea, Florida starter (flytraplady5 - $11)

    You are bidding on: a starter for Utricularia juncea, Florida. A generous portion will be collected and sent in a snack sized zip top bag. This is a North American native terrestrial utricularia. U.S. only please, winner pays shipping (estimated $6 USPS Priority including...
  10. mattb

    Mattb Growlist

    Please excuse my spelling: Matt's Growlist Byblis liniflora - ebay seed; Quantity: Cephalotus follicularis - ebay; Quantity: Cephalotus follicularis - Lois; Quantity: Darlingtonia californica - ebay 2012; Quantity: Darlingtonia californica - ICPS 2013; Quantity: Darlingtonia californica (seed...
  11. J

    Pics of my CP's! ;)

    As the warm weather sets and summer coming within the next months, my plants already show good signs of growing well and they like how I''m keeping them! :) Enjoy the pics! :) (to see all the pictures, check out other forums, due to the limit that TF has, I was only able to post 60 pics of the...
  12. J

    Croatan national forest album 3

    Another one??? I am pretty sure this is an utric, but what is it? Perhaps U. Juncea???? S. X catesbaei:
  13. NewspaperFort

    LF Utricularia juncea

    my pings are looking best this time of year, so i'd be willing to trade those i have a pot of d. scorpiodes with mixed drosera seedlings drosera binata? a different utric? thanks
  14. NewspaperFort

    anyone grow utricularia from seed?

    i am growing U. juncea, and am worried my media may be a little too dry. i am growing it like i do my seeds of anything else. well moist medie to begin with, then constant misting, and weekly bottom-watering. any suggestions? the seeds were tiny and the seedlings will undoubtedly be tiny, so i...
  15. E

    Cultivation tips for different Utricularia sp.

    Hi all and sorry for the long post! I just figured it would be better to ask 1 big question and introduce myself at the same time than flooding the forum with 23 identical questions :) I hope you can bare with me! See I've got a big problem. Until recently I was happily...
  16. kulamauiman

    Utricularia juncea, Florida boxofrain 12$

    You are bidding on: On a starter of Utricularia juncea, Florida. A healthy clump plant will be selected from the picture below and bare rooted and sent to the winner. These are plants that I have cloned from mother plants that i received from Douglas Darnowski U.S. only please, winner...
  17. J

    Looking for this species, willing to trade for.......

    TF members! I'm looking specifically for this species, but if you have any other offer, let me know. I'm accepting seeds, plants, cuttings, anything that will keep growing. Why these species? they are simply native CP's of north carolina, and just thought about getting them, perhaps my next...
  18. boxofrain

    boxofrain's grow list

    Nepenthes; N. Sanguinea N. Maxima Giant Tentena N. Maxima x (Lowii x Ventracosa) N. Ventracosa N. Glabrata N. Rajah N. Spectabilis x Aristolochioides N. Ampullaria "harlequin" N. Ramispina N. Tentaculata N. Jacquelineae N. Fusca "flared peristiome" N. Bicalcerata "sarawak giant"...
  19. J

    Jht-union's Grow List

    My new growlist: Sundews(Droseras): Temperate Sundews USA: 6 Intermedia temperate 3 Tracyi’s Subtropical, Tropical African Sundews: Estimations 20 capensis 40 capensis Alba 8 capensis Broad Leaf 1 Madagascariensis 10 Venusta 8 X binate 2 binata Tropical South American Sundews: 5-6...
  20. turkeypig

    Things that i want and have, as of the time of writing...

    BEFORE YOU PM ME, READ THE BELOW MESSAGE!!! Plants marked with * in the "got list" are ones i am willing to trade. If there are no "*" shown, then there are no plants i am willing to trade at the moment. NOW THAT YOU'VE READ THE ABOVE MESSAGE, YOU CAN DECIDE FOR YOURSELF IF YOU WANT TO PM...