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You know it would be me who got this as a gift


Some context, I haven't grown cacti ever since a nasty repotting incident. To make it all the worse, this prickly monstrosity looks like it will be in need of repotting. In a bout of humor about it, I did name it Sir Pricklton
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Ha ha, I never got really interested in cactus, but somehow, I have a few, too.
If you don't want it, send it to me. :D

As for repotting, just wrap it turban style with a thick fabric and the spines won't getcha.
I can't just give it away unfortunately, as it was a gift from my sister.
The cactus handlers at the botanical garden use heavy leather work gloves and use the palms of the hands around the plant. The trick is to have as many spines on as much surface of the gloves as possible - the resting on a bed of nails trick. With light even pressure - lift.
The cactus handlers at the botanical garden use heavy leather work gloves and use the palms of the hands around the plant. The trick is to have as many spines on as much surface of the gloves as possible - the resting on a bed of nails trick. With light even pressure - lift.

Yep, that's the way I repot cacti. If it works on this:

then it should work on yours. ;)
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Oh, I won't be repotting it. Convinced my step dad to do it. It is funny though, everyone assumes the repotting incident I speak of involved me doing the repotting myself. The reality is someone else was doing it, I was watching, they got pricked bad, tossed the cactus, and it hit me in the face. I will be in a different room for this repotting.
Good catch . . .
  • #10
Oh, I won't be repotting it. Convinced my step dad to do it. It is funny though, everyone assumes the repotting incident I speak of involved me doing the repotting myself. The reality is someone else was doing it, I was watching, they got pricked bad, tossed the cactus, and it hit me in the face. I will be in a different room for this repotting.

Hold up, you got cacti-faced?