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Whitish Seedlings

Several weeks ago I posted pictures of some Nepenthes seedlings that look pale yellow or very light green. I have been messing around trying some things and believe the faded look is due to too much light. I have several plastic cookie boxes and several 72 cells germination boxes with many varieties of plants. The boxes 5" below the fluorescent lights are the most faded and the ones farthest away from them are what I would call normal green. In one cell of a 72 cell box I painted diluted orchid fertilizer onto the pitchers every couple of weeks to see what would happen and rather than become bigger they put out a third pitcher sooner and greener than the surrounding seedlings and in fact the entire seedlings became greener. I'm not going to risk an entire crop by experimenting but thought I would share my conclusions for others to comment on.
Interesting. I just put most of my seedlings in the window for sunlight and some of their pitchers are looking white and translucent. The leaves themselves look okay tho so far so maybe they're still adjusting but I'll keep my eyes on them. I haven't used any ferts on them yet though.