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What's wrong with this plant?


IG carnivoregon_official
I have this poi dog Nepenthes that recently has had some troubling signs on it's leaves. It's growing in my tent at 86-88 F and 70-75% humidity by day, 65 F 90-95% humidity at night. This is the only plant doing this. Most everything is really thriving. It should be noted this plant has always had a "dirty" look to the bottom of it's leaves, but this is the first time it's been on the top and new growth like this. I'm not even certain that the two are related, this could be something totally new. Any insight would be appreciated. I've had this plant for 3 months, it didn't have pitchers when I got it, and it still doesn't.



Looks a bit like the thrips infestations I get occasionally, they cause either black dots or an odd rust-looking deformity of the leaves. If you find really small, thin bugs on the leaves, shoot it with a good insecticide. Otherwise, could be fungal in nature.
Since that is happening to NEW foliage, its not just normal senescence process, its something else. I second the suggestion that Thrips are the likely culprit. Be aware that if you are seeing this much damage on this plant, its likely that other plants in the vicinity are harboring the pest as well, so proceed accordingly.

Note: thrips are difficult to see without a magnification tool.
Looks like thrip damage to me as well.
Alright thanks fellas, I'll check for thrips.
Alright guys I found the culprits. Forgive the shoddy photography this is through a 30x pocket magnifier on my camera phone. I sprayed all my plants with Bayer's Rose and Flower insecticide, which has Imidacloprid. I sprayed this plant especially well and removed it from the tent. I'm going to keep it out of the tent for a bit, and get all the dead ones off and try to get any eggs too. Should I repot? I feel pretty confident that I got to this problem early, I look at my plants a lot, and there are only a few leaves on this one showing bugs or signs.
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