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What is your favorite saltwater fish?


Well, for Saltwater, there is only one, hands down... Petoris Radiata, A form of Lionfish in which the rays of the fins lack flesh, and the fish is generally darker colored than Volitans or any of the other Petoris Lions.

They are gorgeous, Graceful, and just darn cool looking.

If you haven't guessed by now, I lean towards predators, but I am decidedly set on building a reef tank with a Lion as the apex species... I am sure it can be done, even though pretty much everything that is in the tank will look by food. It will either be a stunning achievement, or, well... an expensive buffet for a growing lion!
lionfish, giant squid, leopard shark, mako shark, blue shark, great white, spiny dogfish, and that one shark with that long, 18 foot tail...
Thats it! Thats the one!
(also called the sea fox or fox shark)
actually it's a Thresher if I remember right. Very cool..

so spec, you want to keep a fish that can swallow you whole huh?

You guys know you can buy viable shark eggs on line and hatch them in your tank? (You definately need multiple hundreds of gallons for any shark.)
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RamPuppy @ June 13 2003,11:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">actually it's a Thresher if I remember right.  Very cool..

so spec, you want to keep a fish that can swallow you whole huh?

You guys know you can buy viable shark eggs on line and hatch them in your tank?  (You definately need multiple hundreds of gallons for any shark.)[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
Ya, its thresher shark, but ftg was close enough to refresh my memory...

Can you really? I'll go get some shark eggs, the one of the smallest species! only gets to, what, 8 inches long? No I'm not talking about freshwater sharks
(the bala shark has supposedly gotten up to 2 feet, but I'm guessing around 15 inches)
i like black and white perlique clownfish
Spec, I think the smallest one is a few feet... check out the liveaquaria website, I think the eggs are in either the collectors section or the divers den (on the right side of the page)

I think you need a few hundred gallons for all of the sharks, if memory serves, the eggs themselves are about 12 inches long.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RamPuppy @ June 16 2003,10:19)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Spec, I think the smallest one is a few feet... check out the liveaquaria website, I think the eggs are in either the collectors section or the divers den (on the right side of the page)

I think you need a few hundred gallons for all of the sharks, if memory serves, the eggs themselves are about 12 inches long.[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
actually at the monterey bay aquarium I saw some shark eggs, i forgot what species, all i knew is that they got to 6 feet long, the eggs were... 6 inches long
  • #10
hmmm... well, that is pretty cool... Regardless, you do need to have a massive tank for a shark, which I am pretty sure you know!
even little ones need space to swim, and they are to say the least, messy eaters...

I need to visit this aquarium!
  • #11
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RamPuppy @ June 17 2003,10:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">hmmm... well, that is pretty cool... Regardless, you do need to have a massive tank for a shark, which I am pretty sure you know!
 even little ones need space to swim, and they are to say the least, messy eaters...

I need to visit this aquarium![/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
If you come, it takes 2 6 hour days to see the aquarium! at least it took me that long the first time i went there!

And if you come, I have several guest cards, so you can come for free whenever you want! (and any freinds you bring)
I'm a member of the place, its well worth being a member... Last time I went, on sunday, i forgot to bring the camera! I saw a birdie in the dune habitat guarding her eggs
  • #12
i never thought of what type of salt water fish is my favorite , its would be tiger or lion fish because i got stung by them once , its would probably be a shark or the loch enss monster .
  • #13
Mine are giant squid, latimeria chalumnae and menadoensis (coelocanth), pterois(any), morays, stingrays, jewfish, tarpon, oarfish, sawfish, guitarfish, horseshoe crab, mantis shrimp, sharks, wobbegons, and cuttlefish.
  • #14
Mine's hands down a seahorse! right now, i have about 300 of them
(my male just had babies)
  • #15
hm...i always wanted a seahorse, but caring for a salt water aquarium costs a lot of money. The lives corals, and set up is extremely bueatiful though.
  • #16

I wanted to keep a Dwarf Lionfish in my reef tank, but then I wouldn't be able to keep any shrimp or small(er) fish. Also, I couldn't find much on how/what to feed them.


(I like Mandarins, all Lionfish, Firefish Gobies, Yellow Boxfish, Flame Angels, Anglerfish, Pipefish, Pufferfish, Sea Horses, Batfish, and Maroon Clownfish.)
  • #17
i think the smallest shark it the cigar shark it grows to be 6 inches
  • #18
Common, Cinnamin, Skunk, and Maroon Anemonefish, Yellow-tailed Damensel fish, Blue-Green Chromis, All gobies All wrasses, Yellow Jawfish, Dog Faced Pufferfish, Royal Grammas, Polka-dot Goupers, Long-Horned Cowfish, Bennet's Butterfly Fish, Frogfish, and Ringed Emperor Angel Fish are all my favorites eventhough I don't own any of them and probably never will.
  • #19
This is my favorite saltwater fish, the leafy Sea Dragon (hope I got a pic of the right species). I saw it for the first time at the Seattle Aquarium. Very graceful.

  • #20
I'm not sure who said you couldn't keep smaller fish with a lionfish. Lionfish, while quite capable of handling themselves, are very non-aggressive. They mark out a small section of the tank for themselves and then hang out there. Currently, I have two lionfish.

My fuzzy dwarf lion is in a 72 gallon bowfront tank with a small valentini puffer, a jawfish, a gobi, a koran angel, three cleaner shrimp, a small clown (can't remember type offhand, starts with an O), about 75ish or so of both snails and crabs and he does wonderfully. My one complaint actually is he hides so much that I can't see him as often as I like! (He sleeps during the day and finds himself a nice hole to sit in).

My other lion is a full size and sits in a 440 double bowfront with a school of nassau tangs. The first day he went to each one and brushed up on them. I thought he killed them all, but before I had a chance to clean the corpses out, they were all swimming around again, albeit on one side of the tank. He was basically just letting them know where his territory was. That tank has a full compliment of smaller fish too, with a couple gobis, jawfish and the like to keep it clean.

Lionfish are just simply beautiful fish, and despite their formidable looks, they're rather timid. They lay on rocks to guard their bellies and simply refuse to move in fear of making themselves vunderable. They're also active only at night, so if you do daylight cycles with your lights (that's where you have a set of blue lights come on before and go off after your white lights to simulate sunup/sundown), you're gonna see them primarily during the "sundown" phase.

Also, they don't NEED live food. My lions both eat frozen food just fine. Perhaps that helps with keeping him from eating my other fish, but after about 4 weeks they were both perfectly happy eating it as opposed to live food. While live food is more entertaining to watch, it's also a hassle for me as I can't see myself keeping a tank just to store live food in.
Hope this helps some!
