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Wanting to trade highland Nepenthes for lowlanders.

I've decided to trade away a few of my highlanders before the warmer weather begins to arrive. I've got 4 N. singalana seedlings, a very young N. x 'Black Knight', and an N. glabrata that I just recently purchased. I'm specifically looking for lowlanders that would do well in a terrarium. The only true lowlander I currently own is a N. ampullaria 'Harlequin' but I would be interested in other color morphs.

Update: Offer is officially closed. All plants spoken for.
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How large are the singalana seedlings?
If you look at the second picture in this thread, you can see them near the bottom right corner. They're about an inch and a half in diameter right how.
Where are the sings from??
I got them from a trade a few months ago. They came labeled as "singalana pasaman."
i have an extra N. miribilis "Surat Thani" I'd be willing to part with. im only interested in the lil black knight. let me know if you are interested and ill take a few pics.

Hi Myles, I'd definitely be interested in trading for an N. mirabilis.
Not sure how interested you'd be in them, but I've got a couple different varieties of young seed-grown N. ventricosa I could trade, they actually do very well in lowland conditions. I would love to add N. singalana to my collection.
Where is the glabrata from? I may be able to come up with a trade.
  • #10
here are the pics of the plant. it came as a little tiny bonus plant when i bought this mirabilis and has since grown up quite i bit.



older pitcher starting to brown but you can see how the color darkens over time

and this is the larger plant for reference. this is what you can expect in 4-6 months.


  • #11
I have an albomarginata "cameron highlands" 6" that I'd consider trading for the singalania or glabrata.
  • #13
My offer is closed. I wanted to thank everyone who participated. :)
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