OK, I have got one. Yesterday, I visited the home of a gal in a plant trading group locally. She has a tree that is quite rare locally, but it readily produces seed she says are easy to germinate. Said to grow 18 to 20 feet tall, very cold hardy, fast grower, originally from Mexico. Only in cultivation outside of Mexico since the 1987-ish. If you scratch the wood it has a very sweet I hear cinnamon/vanilla like scent. The flowers are very fragrant as well. I read a story somewhere that two fellows had trimmed one of these trees and thrown the trimmings into the back of their vehicle and then begun in short order to accuse each other of wearing excessive amounts of cologne. Dunno about all that. I have 19 seeds, might be able to get more later. Lets say two lots of five seeds each, the usual thing with numbers in order. I have found info saying it is currently growing in Texas and California. Also said to have survived 8F with minimal damage without protection. One source said alkaline soil, pH 9.1, but I bet it would be a bit adaptable. If some interest, a drawing by RNG next Friday.