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Took some nice pics of my nepenthes Garden

  • #61
Hi everyone. I just took some new fresh pics of my nep garden and have some really nice males in flower that should be making alot of pollen here soon. Truncata Giant Striped x Veitchii Squat red striped Peristome and Spectabilis x Talangensis x truncata which has two stalks on him at once.
Heres the Truncata Giant Striped x Veitchii Squat red striped Peristome stalk
jhjhjhhhh 001.JPG
Heres the two Spec x Talan x truncata males stalks.
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I also took some really nice pics of my newest complex candy striped Veitchii hybrid seedlings . The Mother plant is my female Mixta x maxima x Veitchii x northiana x Veitchii and the two different males are of Lowii x Veitchii x xTiveyi x Platychila and Rokko exotica x Boschiana x veitchii Hose Mtn.
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  • #66
Hi everyone. I took some new really nice pics of all my seedlings of my awesome veitchii candy striped hybrids. These should be ready in like the next month or so.
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  • #68
Looking very nice. But watch out, I've been there growing out a bunch of seed going from loving all these new plants you have to desperately wanting to get rid of them for a little space.
  • #69
Looking very nice. But watch out, I've been there growing out a bunch of seed going from loving all these new plants you have to desperately wanting to get rid of them for a little space.
I hear you on that. Once I get a bunch of those out in like the next month or so, I plant on building another shelf system to expand my nepenthes seedling growing project. I hope to make a bunch more nep seedlings here soon once my female mixta x maxima x veitchii x northiana x veitchii and other fertile females flower. my other females that I have are tenuis, campanulata, Platychila, and my Queen of hearts. I no longer grow the female Hamakua or the female Lowii x campy. Their health failed and they were both sterile plants.
I have alot of pollen in freezer storage of Truncata Giant striped x Veitchii squat red striped peristome and Spec x Talan x Truncata.
  • #70
Platychila x (Spec x Talan x Truncata) might be really intriguing considering how well (Spec x Truncata) x Platychila turned out.