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I was contemplating my CP collection today and it occured to me that this is such an egghead hobby if you know what I mean - here we are cultivating rare,delicate Carnivorous plants like a bunch of mad scientists...I was fawning over my latest babies to arrive today...chuckling and cooing and saying their scientific names to myself and checking the humidity level in their enclosure and misting them - it made me laugh a little because I just cannot imagine someone with a low IQ being interested in this kind of thing.

I bet all of us CPers are probably much more intelligent than the norm - you would almost have to be to enjoy cultivating these plants.There is a LOT to learn as I have been finding out over the last 3 months that I have been into this new hobby.I think you all would be proud of me to see my setup and how successful I have been in rearing my plants.All of my plants are thriving and growing - why, just a couple of days ago my Ping has put out a long scape with a single beautiful bluish white flower that is still in the bud stage...my plants seem to be thriving in a warm temp/high humidity setup....I have a big 30 gallon aquarium with a cut glass top to keep the warmth and humidity in and a daytime growlight on them about 12 hours a day.They also receive about 2 hours of filtered sunlight every day where I have the tank located.

I have the tank on a wheeled TV type cart that I can wheel out into my botanical garden that I have in the backyard of my apartment so that my plants can also have fresh air and a chance to catch some insects on their own.

Can you tell I love my crazy CPs to death???!!!

The Evil Spider Hunter
ROFLMAO! I do just that to my plants! I can't even imagine what others who don't grow these plants think of me
! But I don't care! I love my plants!
Can't say as I baby my plants (much), but I did take all my sundews for a run through the yard so they could catch leave hoppers. My wive said looked kinda strange watching me run around the yard with a flower pot in each hand waving them around to catch bugs.
BCK, you know you're a cp'er if you walk your sundews around the yard so they can catch bugs.