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Sundew beginners collection (Winner Fryster $6)


You will receive the following just popped out of the growing pack, or in it's own pot, NOT bare root. Winner pays $5 shipping. (If I can't get it done for $5 I'll pick up the rest)

D. aliciae
D. adelae
D. deilsiana
D. capensis

Let's start at $2.
droseraguy, thanks for the PM and yes I carry 2 of those in my store (adelae and capensis) BUT this is the NASC auction. It's okay. Take this in place of a personal PM reply to you.. :)

$2! :D
Those would make nice gifts for friends and family.....

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  • #10
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  • #12
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  • #13
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  • #14
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  • #15
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