This is the second version of a solar water pump in a tray for Darlingtonia. The first version which I placed in an existing planted tray doesn't really allow for a large enough flow through. So this time I have cut off the bottoms of some slated trays (see photo) at 1" and inverted them to give a good flow through and raise the individual trays to a level they will not be completely flooded. I have not provided any pre-filtration this time as there should be no contamination in the water to deal with. The pump sits end on ( the intake to the bottom) and the output is taken through tubing through the inverted tray bottoms to an elbow joint and then up to a T joint and out to the spray bars. This looks far more aesthetically pleasing than the prototype and should keep the flowing water cooler. The water flow results on this one are excellent and I intend to carry on something similar with a fully planted version in the MkIII. The small planted trays used for the video are not the ones that the set-up is intended for. I have a very nice line in a grey version of the slatted trays which will be planted up with live sphagnum.
A complete tray and a representative example the portion that has been removed from the ones in use. ( So far I have nine of these, if I dispose of them now I know that next week I'll find a use for them)
A complete tray and a representative example the portion that has been removed from the ones in use. ( So far I have nine of these, if I dispose of them now I know that next week I'll find a use for them)