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Small Dendrobium Question


Getting There...
Below is a terrible photo of 2 debrobiums I got as seedlings at an orchid show maybe 9 months ago.
Both of them are in the chunky media and small plastic pot they came in. Both have grown VERY long roots, reaching maybe 6-9 inches away from the container that seem pretty healthy. One has put up a leaf stalk with 2 leaves since I aquired it, but beides that there doesn't seem to be much going on.
Is this how they should be growing? Any suggestions?
There are no photos that I can see.

But, from your discription, Many kinds of Orchid varieties are tree or rock dwellers, some, are terrestrial
and will grow roots far beyond their pots in search of moisture and nutrients, this is normal.

Dendrobiums, are also famous for growing "Kiki's" ( in Hawaiian it means babies)
They will look like an attached, but seperate plant with roots.
It's best to remove them after the roots get large enough to support the KiKi after about 6-12 months.
Most Dendrobiums need a short winter rest period of cool temps, with no, to little water for a few weeks to a few months (depending on the variety) in order to bloom.
My apologies! Here is the picture:
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/hugh-jass/10457077994/" title="Untitled by kwalton, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7426/10457077994_e70dae83ee.jpg" width="375" height="500" alt="Untitled"></a>
Dendrobiums will send out side shoots as if growing in either a cluster, or in a line.
Some varieties will drop their leaves before going dormant, some during.
Some are evergreens.
They store water and nutrients in their psuedobulbs or "stems"
for the lean times of dry hot summers. And bloom in spring, summer, or winter.
They also like to grow crowded in the pot they're in to bloom.
they like a diluted fertilizer in water about every two weeks to a month.
If their environment, water, and food is good, each new "stem" will be larger than the last.