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seeds for trade!!!!!!!

hi guys,

I am Darren,i live in Singapore.i have S.purpurea spp.(20)X1 ,And d.venosa seed(100)X1, D.burmanii,(50)X1,d.binata(20)X2. d.capenis typical (50)X3 to trade with you guys for the following cp.

D. adelae seed
B. filifolia seed
B. liniflora seed
lower nep. seed
Venus fly trap
or even other tropical growing sundew

other cp seeds will be considered

Pm me even you are interested .

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Hi guys

I have just newly collected some d.capensis seed from my plant .this was my first time getting those seed.I have quite a lot if them so I would like to trade this for the above seeds too.

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