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Give Away Sarracenia seed giveaway Jan2024!

  • Thread starter adnedarn
  • Start date
  • #21
Going out today! Remember to cold stratify them. I put them in paper towels, wet them and put that in a zip lock bag to go in the fridge for at least 4 full weeks (put ID tag in bag). Then either sow and put under lights inside until it warms up to go outside, or wait until it warms up outside with fear of cold weather being gone and sow them to be outside (or bring in on cold nights).
Good luck, and keep me updated!
  • #22
The seeds arrived in yesterday's mail.
They look to be in good shape, not mail-mashed.
I'll start stratification today and plant them in 4 - 6 weeks.
Thank you very much for the giveaway!
When Spring finally gets here and temperatures warm up, I want to do a giveaway to pay it forward.