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Give Away Sarracenia seed giveaway Jan2024!

  • Thread starter adnedarn
  • Start date


I'm growing CPs in the Desert of Tucson, Az
Hello everyone! Lets do another seed giveaway, this time Sarracenia! There is still plenty of time to get them stratified (required) so they're ready to grow come spring. This is open to all members, if you are a Thank You member at the time of entry you may pick two numbers AND if you win you can pick seeds from two packs! Non thank You members can pick one number and winner will get to pick one pack of seeds. If enough people join in, I may give away all the packs to multiple winners with first drawn getting to pick first. Please only participate to use the seeds for yourself.
Please pick a number 1-130 The closest in a draw from random.org will win. If there are winners above and below a picked number equally, both will win that draw unless I'm out of seeds at that point, and random.org will pick 1=higher 2=lower as the winner. Please copy the entry list from the prior post, and add your number(s) as shown in my example. Contest ends 1/31/2024 11:59pm Arizona time. I'll pay shipping, USA only.
These seeds are from Fred P, you can see some of his plants here!
I had asked for "big/and or white" Sarracenia so this is some leftovers from what he sent me (he approved me to giveaway the extras :) )

These are open pollinated so only the mom is known, the dad can be anything from his amazing collection!!
S. ("Daina's Delight" x "Bud Wilkerson") x OP
S. 'Leah Wilkerson' x OP
S. (leucophylla "Purple & White giant form (Route 71, Altha, FL.)" x Flava Rubricorpora) x OP
S. (Hurricane Creek White" x 'Adrian Slack') x OP

1 adnedarn 179
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1 adnedarn 179
2 tosornof 33

Last edited by a moderator:
1 adnedarn 179
2 tosornof 33
3 Rocketgirl 6
4 Rocketgirl 129
Last edited by a moderator:
1 adnedarn 179
2 tosornof 33
3 Rocketgirl 6
4 Rocketgirl 129
5 Krezde 62
1 adnedarn 179
2 tosornof 33
3 Rocketgirl 6
4 Rocketgirl 129
5 Krezde 62
6 ChefDean 74
1 adnedarn 179
2 tosornof 33
3 Rocketgirl 6
4 Rocketgirl 129
5 Krezde 62
6 ChefDean 74
7 Megaplay 101
1 adnedarn 179
2 tosornof 33
3 Rocketgirl 6
4 Rocketgirl 129
5 Krezde 62
6 ChefDean 74
7 Megaplay 101
8 madrone 15
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1 adnedarn 179
2 tosornof 33
3 Rocketgirl 6
4 Rocketgirl 129
5 Krezde 62
6 ChefDean 74
7 Megaplay 101
8 madrone 15
9 fieldsde 48
Last edited by a moderator:
1 adnedarn 179
2 tosornof 33
3 Rocketgirl 6
4 Rocketgirl 129
5 Krezde 62
6 ChefDean 74
7 Megaplay 101
8 madrone 15
9 fieldsde 48
10 andynorth 99
  • #10
Hello everyone! Lets do another seed giveaway, this time Sarracenia! There is still plenty of time to get them stratified (required) so they're ready to grow come spring. This is open to all members, if you are a Thank You member at the time of entry you may pick two numbers AND if you win you can pick seeds from two packs! Non thank You members can pick one number and winner will get to pick one pack of seeds. If enough people join in, I may give away all the packs to multiple winners with first drawn getting to pick first. Please only participate to use the seeds for yourself.
Please pick a number 1-130 The closest in a draw from random.org will win. If there are winners above and below a picked number equally, both will win that draw unless I'm out of seeds at that point, and random.org will pick 1=higher 2=lower as the winner. Please copy the entry list from the prior post, and add your number(s) as shown in my example. Contest ends 1/31/2024 11:59pm Arizona time. I'll pay shipping, USA only.
These seeds are from Fred P, you can see some of his plants here!
I had asked for "big/and or white" Sarracenia so this is some leftovers from what he sent me (he approved me to giveaway the extras :) )

These are open pollinated so only the mom is known, the dad can be anything from his amazing collection!!
S. ("Daina's Delight" x "Bud Wilkerson") x OP
S. 'Leah Wilkerson' x OP
S. (leucophylla "Purple & White giant form (Route 71, Altha, FL.)" x Flava Rubricorpora) x OP
S. (Hurricane Creek White" x 'Adrian Slack') x OP

1 adnedarn 179
98. twinmom
  • #11
1 adnedarn 179
2 tosornof 33
3 Rocketgirl 6
4 Rocketgirl 129
5 Krezde 62
6 ChefDean 74
7 Megaplay 101
8 madrone 15
9 fieldsde 48
10 andynorth 99
11 Twinmom 98
12 Shadowtski 42
13 Shadowtski 13
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  • #12
@Shadowtski being a forum supporter you can pick two numbers if you'd like!
Also, we have crossed my preset entry number for 2 drawings/winners!!
  • #14
No, ends the 31st. As I said in the top post if there are enough entries I would do more than 1 drawing, I was just announcing we had met the threshold for 2 draws. :)
  • #15
Thanks everyone for playing!!
Draw time :)
In number picked order:
Rocketgirl 6
Shadowtski 13
madrone 15
tosornof 33
Shadowtski 42
#1 winning number 43 winner /\
fieldsde 48
#2 winning number 61 winner \/
Krezde 62
ChefDean 74
Twinmom 98
andynorth 99
Megaplay 101
Rocketgirl 129

First draw: pick a number 1 to 130 =43 Winner @Shadowtski Please give your 2 picks here and message me your address!
Second draw: pick a number 1 to130 =61 Winner @Krezde After Shadowtski picks his packs you may pick from the remaining and then message me your address!
  • #16
Congrats to Shadowtski and Krezde! Seeds from Fred P are bound to be awesome!
  • #17
Thank you so much for the giveaway!
I PMed my address to you.
I'm a sucker for Leuco and Leuco mixes so I choose these:

S. (leucophylla "Purple & White giant form (Route 71, Altha, FL.)" x Flava Rubricorpora) x OP
S. (Hurricane Creek White" x 'Adrian Slack') x OP
  • #18
Thank you! I sent you a PM as well and I'll take the S. 'Leah Wilkerson' x OP
  • #20
I do them randomly and generally spur of the moment. I don't have plans for a new one right now. Maybe I'd do more if there was more interest (participation)?