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BS Bulldozer
I'm wondering what's going on with one of my Pitchers. I got it from Phil at Meadowview late last summer along with another and a few assorted other plants. It's called "Red Flame". Anyway all of my others are in varying stages of development. The "Lemon" I got along with it is in full bloom with pitchers almost as tall as the flower stalks getting ready to open, one of my purps has its first open pitcher as well as a flower. I also have a deathbox leucophylla bought a few months earlier which is just staring to put up tiny pitchers. Then there's the "Red Flame". Nothing. Zip. Looks the same as it did in March when I trimmed off last season's growth. The upper half of the rhizome is exposed, and there are two apparently healthy growing points forking out. The rhizome is hard as a rock. Plants were outside all winter in above grade half barrels in zone 6B. A VFT in one of the same barrels is going like gangbusters, as is the small division I teased off of it a month ago. Is it possible that this Pitcher just a REALLY late riser, or is it more likely I have a problem? TIA!
Could just be a very late riser. Were any of the pitchers from last season still green? If so, that may be your problem, and the plant is trying to figure out how to get energy to tart growing.
The pitchers opened last year on May 7th for 'Red Flame'. It may just be confused.
Thanks for the help! Fwiw almost everything else in my garden is 3-4 weeks behind last year. My Bloodroot is just finishing its blooming, and last year it was done by the end of April. And I'm a good bit north of you Wireman. Thanks for the detailed info.
The pitchers opened last year on May 7th for 'Red Flame'. It may just be confused.
You wouldn't have similar data for "Lemon" would you? It's going gangbusters, 3 flowers and 18" pitchers should start opening any day, but it would be nice for reference. Also another thanks is in order. I realized you're "Death Pony" from AC. It was your mention of Meadowview there that was the kick in the keester that started me down the CP road. After I checked out their website I picked up what I could locally, a few death boxes. All thriving btw! But after stopping in at Meadowview on my way down to the Banks the bug bit hard. I suppose it's as likely I should curse you as thank you, (and I know my wife would if she met you!) but thanks for getting it all started!
Oh and wouldn't you figure! The "Flame" is just showing the first signs of new life this morning!
That's too funny! Yeah, I had to get out of the aquarium hobby due to a severe fish allergy I suddenly developed. I mean vomiting blood level of allergic. S. 'Lemon' is tall. Really tall. It's seen it make 3-4 foot tall pitchers before.
Allergy you say? Vomiting blood? Yikes! No idea what was triggering it besides just aquariums? That sucks! Thanks again for the info on the "Lemon", hopefully after it goes into the in-ground bog I'm in the early stages on I'll see some pitchers that tall!
Actually I do have another question for you concerning "Lemon" if you don't mind. This spring as new growth started 5 flower buds became apparent. As things progressed only 3 started growing stalks and flowering. The other 2 are sitting at the same arrested stage of development. No stalks, but they still look fine. Are these just duds, or am I in for another round of flowering?