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Sarr (quick) give away


Decumbent Fanatic
I have 2 Sarrs (1 hitchhiking sundew) that I did not have the energy to repot. I will be out and about soon so if you are a new member and would like these plants please let me know quickly so that I can drop them in the mail today.

Just asking for $8 to cover shipping with tracking number.

Wow, what a great giveaway.

Though it's kinda funny that I'm too old to participate...
Did you literally just run out of energy, or just time?
Thanks leaf its A combo of variables. Plus trying to consolidate.

These are S. 'White Sparkler' X Open Pollenated. Dew unknown cape.
I'll take them, not sure how old is too old. I think I joined in March? If you'd rather they go to someone younger on the site I understand
I will open it up to everyone.
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i'll take them pm me
umm i said I would take them...
plants arrived safely and are potted and happy in the new home