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Restrictions on Shipping Seed Grown Oreos


A leuco by any other name would still be as glutto
I have many oreophila seedlings that I love having around for now, but I know there will be too many of them next season when I will have a ton of new seed to sow. When it comes to shipping them, are there any restrictions to crossing state lines? I was thinking of trading, selling, or otherwise getting rid of some soon and would hate to break any laws or anything.
You cannot sell or trade them across state borders but you can give them as gifts, I think you need to pay for shipping as well though.
i ordered some sarr rhizomes and when buying over a certain number, an oreo was included as a "gift"

loopholes are so entertaining :p
That's sort of what I was thinking. I plan to adhere to such guidelines, but who enforces such restrictions?

Again, I am all for the established prohibition of interstate trade; I am just curious.
USFW enforces the ESA guidelines. All interstate purchase, trade is prohibited. Gifts as long as there isn't an advertised minimum purchase needed is acceptable.
If sending only the ESA/CITES plant interstate shipping is a gray area. Depending on who you talk to at Fish and Wildlife Services you'll get different answers. So judgement could probably go either way. Best to play it safe and not take money for shipping.
