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Give Away Nepenthes seed giveaway

  • Thread starter ChefDean
  • Start date
Many of you know that I manage a seed bank for members of a different online carnivorous plant forum.
We recently received a generous donation of over 100 pods of N. boschiana "BE-3643" x sanguinea "Orange", and I don't think they'll all be requested quickly enough as Nep seeds have a optimal shelf life measured in months. I'd much rather these get into the hands of growers than have them waste away. As such, I want to give away a pod of these seeds to five members here, the first five to say "Mine!"
US members only.
Open to members with at least one year on TerraForums.
Claimant pays postage by sending a SASE.
Shoot me a PM after claiming and I'll send you the address to send your SASE to.
Aaaaand go!
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Two pods spoken for, three still up for grabs.
Mine! if there is still one avilable!
All five have been spoken for, but two people haven't sent a PM. If they haven't sent me a message by tomorrow morning, those two will become available again.
  • #10
Waiting on only one PM now.
  • #11
The last guy never PM'd me, so one pod is still available to whoever claims it and PM's me first.
  • #12
I was letting others, but I guess since it's still available. MINE!