I recently just got back into CP's, and got a Venus Fly Trap about two months ago, among others. I realize it is now time for it to go into a dormancy period, but I was wondering if the fridge method was necessary in my case? I live in NorCal, Santa Clara area, and the temperature during the winter is mid 60s to low 70s during the day and mid to high 30s to 50s at night (depending on the month, lower averages are Dec/Jan). Frost is occasional/rare. I have been doing quite a bit of reading, and am not unwilling to do the fridge method, however if I can leave it outside to hit it's 3month dormancy I'd rather do that. It gets pretty solid fall/winter sunlight, about 5 hours a day now, will be getting less in a month or so.
I recently just got back into CP's, and got a Venus Fly Trap about two months ago, among others. I realize it is now time for it to go into a dormancy period, but I was wondering if the fridge method was necessary in my case? I live in NorCal, Santa Clara area, and the temperature during the winter is mid 60s to low 70s during the day and mid to high 30s to 50s at night (depending on the month, lower averages are Dec/Jan). Frost is occasional/rare. I have been doing quite a bit of reading, and am not unwilling to do the fridge method, however if I can leave it outside to hit it's 3month dormancy I'd rather do that. It gets pretty solid fall/winter sunlight, about 5 hours a day now, will be getting less in a month or so.