Hi all,
I am having a little trouble with D. filiformis, all types and verities, and could use some help. It seems I can not get this particular species of Drosera to really get started in the spring. I will usually wind up buying a few in late June or July, pot them up in the usual 50/50 mix or straight peat, and put them on my porch where they get full sun for about 7-9 hours a day and bright light the rest of the time, I use only distilled or rain water with these guys, and they always grow great. Typically, they will dew up nicely, turn red (if they are able), flower, and in the fall go dormant, pass through the Winter waiting for spring in the fridge. No rot, no problems. Then March/April arrives and the plants begin to open their resting buds, I wait a month or two and then I pot them up and stick them back out on the porch. Then they will sit there and not do anything for weeks. Finally, some will rot and die, and some start to grow. Of those that grow, a few short leaves will appear, maybe half an inch long at most, and then the plants will sit there for a few more weeks and not do anything until they finally die. This year I tried bringing them in and growing them under lights after the first few failed. No joy. I started with about six different plants and now I have a single small tracyi left, and its fading. This has been going on for four or five years now, and its getting pretty annoying, so any advice will be most welcome.
I am having a little trouble with D. filiformis, all types and verities, and could use some help. It seems I can not get this particular species of Drosera to really get started in the spring. I will usually wind up buying a few in late June or July, pot them up in the usual 50/50 mix or straight peat, and put them on my porch where they get full sun for about 7-9 hours a day and bright light the rest of the time, I use only distilled or rain water with these guys, and they always grow great. Typically, they will dew up nicely, turn red (if they are able), flower, and in the fall go dormant, pass through the Winter waiting for spring in the fridge. No rot, no problems. Then March/April arrives and the plants begin to open their resting buds, I wait a month or two and then I pot them up and stick them back out on the porch. Then they will sit there and not do anything for weeks. Finally, some will rot and die, and some start to grow. Of those that grow, a few short leaves will appear, maybe half an inch long at most, and then the plants will sit there for a few more weeks and not do anything until they finally die. This year I tried bringing them in and growing them under lights after the first few failed. No joy. I started with about six different plants and now I have a single small tracyi left, and its fading. This has been going on for four or five years now, and its getting pretty annoying, so any advice will be most welcome.