Cutting off dead leaves can help control mold, but it's not really necessary in plants with adequate sunlight and ventilation. The same thing goes for cutting off flower stalks; the main reason they tell you to do this is because flowering can draw energy from weak plants and kill them, but a well grown plant can easily sustain flowers, and may do so continuously.
5 hours isn't nearly enough light, especially if it's just sunny spots. To put this in perspective, I have Drosera adelae bright fluorescent lights with supplemental lighting from a bright window for 16 hours a day, and this is a fairly low-light species. Unless you live in a desert or some other area with extremely high temperatures and burning sunlight, the plant will grow much better in full sun outside. If you are worried about it burning, just acclimate it to the outdoors by putting it in a slightly shaded area outside before moving it to full sun. Even if it does burn, the plant will very quickly grow new leaves if it has enough water. Just be sure to take it in when winter comes (if you get freezing temperatures).
Lastly, I've noticed that your plants have some pieces of what appear to be dried mealworms on them. Feeding your plant is not necessary; it simply makes them grow somewhat faster. Your pieces are also too big, and not placed on the "sticky" carnivorous part of the leaf. Again, growing outside helps with this, since the plant will just catch food for itself.
In short, either get very bright artificial lighting, or grow it outside in full sun. Your plant will need a lot more than 5 hours of light to thrive. If you have any other questions, feel free to jump in the chatbox as well. I'm sure there's a lot of people who can help you, and you'll get answers a lot faster!