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ping 'rose'


Decumbent Fanatic
these were given to me by a member and its about time i pay it foward since they are doing well.

up for offer is one plant

pics found here

to enter you must have donated to the NASC auction. Will ask the winner to prove it by pming me the thread link. winner will also pay $6 for shipping.

the winner will be picked by a random number generator. ends friday.

Enter this. I received mine about a month ago and it's already sending up a flower!
1. MasterLow, thanks!
I'm not entering. Merely making a suggestion
1. MasterLow, thanks!
2. Tacks, cheers man, gorgeous ping
wrapping this up today. still time to add your name to the list if interested!
by default its yours tacks.

offer closed. pm sent