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I am a CPaholic...
Found these P. lusitanica sprouting this year in a pot of Calopogon and a pot of sarracenia generously given to me last year on my way back from California, cute little things. They were not there when I brought the pots home last year, so assuming they sprouted this spring from seed that were already there when I picked up the pots (I have not grown this species before). As a single plant they are not very impressive, the first photo with my finger for reference is close to their adult size, but grown in a colony they look pretty cool. The tiny flowers seem to readily self-pollinate and produce seed, so hoping to have colonies of them growing around the bog each growing season since the plants are annuals here.

[/url]P. lusitanica by Djoni C, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]P. lusitanica flower by Djoni C, on Flickr[/IMG]
Cute little things. They could be the D. burmannii of the Pinguicula genus, popping up everywhere.

Good growing,
Those plants really are tiny. I bought some seeds recently but they haven't come up yet, hopefully they'll have enough time to grow if they won't survive the winter here (though I can always move them indoors.)
Gahhh they are so tiny and cute. I also have some seeds I've been meaning to start. Actually got a few to germinate after 2 weeks by floating them in water but tried to acclimate them too quickly and lost them.
I can imagine what it would look like having a carpet of them all in bloom at once. Good luck growing a colony of it.

'In situ' in Europe, they are annual (ex situ it may be bi or tri annual).

they die winter, hence the need to have seeds for the following year.

That is awesome! I just started germinating some of these, and so far 14 sprouts have come up. I can't find a very detailed guide on these, is it okay to feed them the way I do my sundew seedlings, and if so what should I look for to know its ready to be fed?

they are out door ?

if yes, let nature do its work :banana2:

Unfortunately I live in an apartment so I don't have outdoor space for them. I have them on a shelf under a grow light.
  • #10

what a shame ,for me it is a outdoor specie.

here in FRANCE ' in situ' their cycle is completed .

if you manage to make the seeds, keep them for next year.

Note that often here in the spring, it is found under the water ,she appreciates the open areas, often among the haether foot , humid all year , especially those that are flooded in spring.

  • #11
I am growing these under my temperate's lights indoors. I read that they can survive the winter in mild areas. My hope is to try some outdoors when I get more seeds, but since I sowed them a week ago and they only just popped up, I want to enjoy the ones I have for a while.
  • #12

in USA you have a close specie to P. lusitanica , annual also P.pumila .

if you have some seeds I am very interested :banana2:

here P.lusitanica are annual ' in situ' with some time bi or tri annual in ' ex situ '

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