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On the lookout for tentaculata

I've always admired N. tentaculata since I fist started drooling over nepenthes, and its really a plant I would love to add to my collection. I prefer the lighter version but either is gorgeous. If anyone knows where I can snag one (besides AW) holla' at me! I don't have all that much to trade but you can always check out my grow-list. It's worth a shot eh? I have access to a bunch of orchids if that's what floats your boat, and am attending an orchid show that will have a bit of everything. Otherwise I'd just love to find somewhere I could purchase one. Thank's for reading!

I know TOG has one he's willing to trade but he's only looking for sarrs. Good luck, cause I going after it myself!
I have a couple TINY ones (like 3/4 inch wide, or maybe a little less), if that is something that interests you...
I very well might. I'll let you know if I can't find another one. Then I'll go fun size! lol. TOG, what are you looking for sarracenia wise?
I haven't fully decided if I'm going to trade anything yet, but I'd be interested in just about any sarr except purp, Psittacina and their hybrids. I especially love minor and Alata hybrids, looking for Alata Night as well. Rarish stuff. ;)
I don't have too many sarrs (various flavas, leucs, some sort of alata hybrid (I'll find out), and a few purp variations. I'm also getting some from a really sweet private collection as well as the SB orchid show thats tomorrow. I know theres going to be someone there that has a bunch of sarrs. I'll look out for something in particular if you'd like. Although I understand you might not want to trade.
Uhh a mature Leah Wilkerson would be really nice. :D I can't garauntee that I'm going to trade you though.
I understand. I'll keep my eyes peeled for one. It would be a nice sarr to add to my collection anyway.I know how you feel though. Theres a bunch of stuff I'm on the line with as far as wether or not I want to trade it. I'd say unless it's something your really interested in, then hold off.
  • #10
I have two plants and one of them has two growth points. I'm always interested in discussing possible trades.