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Awesome! I've been meaning to make my way up there for a while now. I really like the form of spectabilis x singalana you got. I don't really know anyone else that grows that hybrid. I'd love to see updates of it as it grows. Your's seems to have inherited a lot more of the singalana peristome. I just posted the first mature-ish pitcher mine's formed since I got it in my thread yesterday. Keep us posted! Great photos!
Thanks for posting the pics, Dex. I am burning with a renewed desire to make the pilgrimage myself and feeling kind of sheepish for not having done it already. And you had to come from Alaska!
My pondarium? Good to see the Aldros came back (or got reintroduced). The system crashed when I moved it, it used to be an Aldrovanda factory. Were there any fishies? I suppose the poor things didn't survive the latest heat waves. Albino Gambusia, mosquitofish.
I hate to have to ask, but is Andrew cool with this admittedly fabulous thread?
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