Neps for Small Spaces (With Photos!)
Think of a one-room studio apartment in the city, a small office in a tall building, a cramped college dorm room, and the Tiny-House Movement!
Now you are ready to think of Neps for Small Spaces. In this thread we are looking for plants that:
1) Have small leaf and trap size.
2) Basals easily and/or have rosetted type growth habbit.
3) Can live by the light of a window or desk lamp.
4) Does well at "room temperature" (I do not specify a temperature range, as not everyone suck in an office or dorm can control their AC).
5) Can live in the low humidity of a building (with a water tray and proper watering techniques).
Bonus) Add a photo if you have it!
Please keep in mind that compact plants are desired for this list, however small leaved plants that are prone to vining should be added, as there's often available real-estate above a window for vine growth, if set up properly.
Also, it's known that pot size, growing media and fertilizing techniques (or lack of fertilizing) can possibly "dwarf" some large neps, but this is not the focus of the thread.
Lastly, there is much information in books and websites, however this thread is mainly for sharing your experiences and knowledge. Please remember that everyone will have different results, as we all have different growing conditions.
Now, to get things moving, I'll add my experience with N. maxima 'mini'!
1) My plant has leaves that are about 8" in length. The traps are about 3.5" from top to bottom.
2) It basals often and after about 2 years in my care, has not started to vine.
3) I grow it under a standard desk lamp and it receives a little indirect light from near by windows and my aquarium.
4) The AC blows in the spring/summer and the heat blows in the winter. The temp in my place stays around 72 to 80 (because it's horribly insulated), but half the time I don't think the number is accurate on the thermostat anyway.
5) My N. maxima 'mini' sits in a water dish and there are 2 large aquariums in the room. I figure there is decent humidity, however I have never checked the exact humidity level.
Here are some photos.
View of one side (sorry for the glare, the lighting wasn't best for taking photos).
View of other side (color is much better in real life).
Largest pitcher in comparison with my finger.
Any questions about my plant? Ask away!
Now add your experiences with a 'Nep for Small Spaces' to the thread!
Think of a one-room studio apartment in the city, a small office in a tall building, a cramped college dorm room, and the Tiny-House Movement!
Now you are ready to think of Neps for Small Spaces. In this thread we are looking for plants that:
1) Have small leaf and trap size.
2) Basals easily and/or have rosetted type growth habbit.
3) Can live by the light of a window or desk lamp.
4) Does well at "room temperature" (I do not specify a temperature range, as not everyone suck in an office or dorm can control their AC).
5) Can live in the low humidity of a building (with a water tray and proper watering techniques).
Bonus) Add a photo if you have it!
Please keep in mind that compact plants are desired for this list, however small leaved plants that are prone to vining should be added, as there's often available real-estate above a window for vine growth, if set up properly.
Also, it's known that pot size, growing media and fertilizing techniques (or lack of fertilizing) can possibly "dwarf" some large neps, but this is not the focus of the thread.
Lastly, there is much information in books and websites, however this thread is mainly for sharing your experiences and knowledge. Please remember that everyone will have different results, as we all have different growing conditions.
Now, to get things moving, I'll add my experience with N. maxima 'mini'!
1) My plant has leaves that are about 8" in length. The traps are about 3.5" from top to bottom.
2) It basals often and after about 2 years in my care, has not started to vine.
3) I grow it under a standard desk lamp and it receives a little indirect light from near by windows and my aquarium.
4) The AC blows in the spring/summer and the heat blows in the winter. The temp in my place stays around 72 to 80 (because it's horribly insulated), but half the time I don't think the number is accurate on the thermostat anyway.
5) My N. maxima 'mini' sits in a water dish and there are 2 large aquariums in the room. I figure there is decent humidity, however I have never checked the exact humidity level.
Here are some photos.
View of one side (sorry for the glare, the lighting wasn't best for taking photos).
View of other side (color is much better in real life).
Largest pitcher in comparison with my finger.
Any questions about my plant? Ask away!
Now add your experiences with a 'Nep for Small Spaces' to the thread!
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