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Nepenthes under blacklights


I recently read an article about nepenthes pitchers glowing under UV light, which could be another method of trapping. I have a spare UVB bulb so I thought I would try it out and the effects were incredible, honestly these crappy photos do not do it justice. If you have a UV light I highly suggest you try this.

N. robcantleyi in normal light

in UVB spectrum


glandulifera x boschiana


Nepenthes eymae x steno x lowii x tm looked awesome
just keep that uv light away from luca's sheets :lol:
or your mother :awesome:
mother jokes are not cool, esp since i cant make fun of yours. i draw the line at 400 pounds
I doubted, but it's awesome to see that it works! Time for me to get a black light :)
mother jokes are not cool, esp since i cant make fun of yours. i draw the line at 400 pounds
Well shucks, looks like I can't do that either since your mother is way above that limit :p

@richjam, I highly suggest you try it.
LOL your plants tag glow much more brighter...
  • #10
It's interesting that the nectar glows too. Great pic.
  • #11
I think Ben has captured the best image of this so far.
  • #13
Thanks. The original is on my flickr feed. It's bigger and higher resolution. Just click the image and you'll jump to my flickr page.
  • #14
Wire man - I'm seriously hoping you get some of the pictures done you and I had talked about last night. I'm so very anxious to see them.
  • #15
I got a better shot


You can see that it isn't just reflecting from the peristome because it's the same color as the body.
  • #16
N. robcantleyi


N. truncata(lowland)


  • #17
This is so cool. Anyone know if other genuses glow too?
  • #18
It's funny to see how this was never done before, and now we realize we could have posted better pictures than the ones published all along...
  • #19
would be cool if our jungles lit up like Avatar
  • #20
Venus flytraps glow too. My aquatic utrics glow, but that might be chlorophyll suspended in the water. My dews do not. I don't have any pings at the moment.

All of my neps glow.