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Nepenthes 'Song of Melancholy' Free to good home, Raleigh NC

Hi, i'm moving soon and I'd like to find a good home for my nepenthes. this is a healthy young plant only 4" tall and 5 leaves. please call 252-560-2331 or email at alanjrgrady@hotmail.com if interested.
Mason might cry if he doesn't get this.
Lolwut? Why would I cry?
cuz you would be all Melancholy :lol:
I have a large-ish basal from my striped seed grown parent to trade to someone who doesn't win the freebie here.
Because the huge one died, tragically.
If the deal is still open please let me know. I'd be *very* happy to take in any neps.
  • #10
Mason might cry if he doesn't get this.

At the very least he would be all bummed out and we will not see his plantgasm face haha!!
  • #11
the technical term is hortgasm but plantgasm is good slang :jester:
  • #13
op: wow.....sorry to hear that.....my terrarium is booked solid ftm........I would need to get rid of one before I could add one.....I do have a hybrid cutting that Mason was kind enough to give me a while back that I plan on trying to acclimate to being a houseplant but unfortunately it is not developed enough yet....I hope you find a good home for your nep.