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Nepenthes Pest ID needed

My N. Whisper started to open up its new leaf and I found a pest that I've seen before in my collection. I know how to get rid of it (well I guess not completely since it has popped up once before) but I'm just curious to know what it is.

It's always on the newest unopened nepenthes leaf. It does quite a bit of damage to the new leaf and creates a spider web within the leaf. Below is a picture of the worm found inside as well as the web and mess it makes to the leaf.

Close up (best I could do with a phone)

Thanks :)
At that age genus and species hard to say unless you get me a super close up of head region. Either Mexican leaf roller or light brown apple moth. Would go with the former more than the later. Lbam seems to do better in cooler drier climate. But maybe we got new biotype in from California. Both are in the family tortricidae. They can be a pain to deal with as their feeding habits protect them from contact insecticides.