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Nepenthes mikei!

This is a Nepenthes Mikei from Borneo Exotics. This is one of their tissue cultured clones. It has not flowered for me yet so unfortunately I do not know the sex.
Very nice looking mikei.
Did you get that on eBay? From that one guy whos selling his collection.
Yeah thats what I though, it looks just like it. I too got a mikei this week but much smaller. Nice plant! Were you doing a Pineapple imitation?
NO! I really tried doing my own voice. But peeps already think im imitating him. <_<
Do you speak of Joel who is selling his collection of highland nepenthes because he is moving into a warmer climate.
I hope that I don't sound like that... :lol:
It was the way you were talking as opposed to one of your previous videos I saw, not necessarily the sound of your voice haha. Just the erratic and fast talking excitement with the held emphasis on some words. And yeah, that guy on ebay a week ago who had an identical mikei up for auction. I can't imagine two vining mikeis would be be sold on the internet in one week :p It's a nice looking plant though!